Day trading for 4 august

ERJ : Embraer – Empr Bras Aeronautica
Entered normally, нагрузился и пошло, BUT put a stop on the entire position, and stock тонкая и за ним сучка specialist сходил, so he had to collect my stop

ERJ : Embraer - Empr Bras Aeronautica

KSU : Kansas City Southern
Excellent bought, went up, but the rollback was more than expected and threw out, you could buy a little higher again.

KSU : Kansas City Southern

MCO : Moody’s Corporation
Сделка дня, the share was sold hard for a couple of days. The previous day she stood and on this day she opened above her high. Slowly they began to buy it and shot up, covered on the first red candle.

MCO : Moody's Corporation

TCK : Teck Resources Limited
Passed lower by 30 cents off my price, but she was abruptly bought and I was knocked out.

TCK : Teck Resources Limited

  The market starts to come alive
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