DayTrader: blood, sweat and tears of success

Pit Futures on S&P is the main arena in the world of traders. Here, the titans of trade make great deals in the blink of an eye., and windy fortune sometimes favors them. Successful day traders are aggressive, talented and lucky. Lewis Borsellino undoubtedly has the qualities of a winner. And now he talks about himself. Leader in S futures trading&P Borselino opens the world of day trader inaccessible to the layman.

Book "Day Trader: blood, Sweat And Tears Of Success ”Shows Backroom Trading, tells the story of Borselino's incredible breakthrough on the Chicago Board of Trade and provides insight into the strategy and tactics of a day trader. Furious and fearless fighter, first caught in the chaos and vibrating excitement of the exchange, Borselino felt his calling from the first moments, the author shares his memories of the vicissitudes of his fate, clearly highlighting, component of his unparalleled success - a rare combination of discipline, hardships, intelligence and supernatural ability to understand and interpret the market.

Book "Day Trader: blood, sweat and tears of success ”are the sincere memoirs of a second-generation American, who received cruel life lessons from his father. Pit Leader of S Contracts&P, Borselino gives a vivid description of the unique dynamics of the sales area (gender) exchanges, gifts and blows of fate during the crash 1987 of the year, FBI investigations, fatal to the futures trading industry, and intense political battles between the titans of the Chicago Board of Trade - Leo Melamed and Jack Sandler. He describes battles, in which leading traders participated - Richard Dennis and George Soros.

Finally, Borselino talks about the last phase of his career, when he left the trading pit to meet the challenges and opportunities of electronic trading. Book "Day Trader: blood, sweat and tears of success ”is not just the success story of one of America's most respected traders. She provides practical knowledge of the futures markets, pit trade, market philosophy, fundamental and technical analysis and risk management, provides a rare opportunity to understand the thinking of one of the most prominent traders of our time.

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