Do you really want to trade like Smart Money??

If yes, then you better put your money in the bank and you will have, at least, 7,5% guaranteed profit.
Is not it, so called, 'smart money" as smart as webinar / seminar gurus paint them,  analysts and theorists? Well look — the best ones, best case scenario, approaching the returns of stock indices, the average do not earn anything, and the worst ones methodically drain investor money. That's how smart they are.. Whatever the lecturers say, have stupid money, as opposed to smart" just an undeniable advantage — they can jump in / jump off anywhere and anytime at any time, can trade, or may not trade, can pluck 'smart money" like a chicken, or they may regret. And many more can, what smart money can't…. :)

Here is the average result of the professionals..
Have been hanging out at zero for the third year. And since the beginning of this year, even, in the red.


I.e, it is not necessary to imitate `` smart money '', a `` stupid ''. The main mistake of stupid money" that they are trying to trade as `` smart money '', though, in order to earn you must remain yourself, this is their strength. It remains to find out and conduct a webinar on how stupid money is traded. This will be the grail :)

  US stock market news - NYSE, NASDAQ on 14.07.2017
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