Degradation or success?

Degradation or success?

I remembered, that I can't find the answer to one question for a long time.

I already trade more 5 years.. and first 3 years I absorb experience and knowledge like a sponge. My approaches were changing, ideas, strategy.. I experimented constantly. I went through everything, from channels and “levels” to cluster volumes…
I felt like I was developing.

Over the past year, I have not learned anything new about the market – the very fact plunges me into horror and calms at the same time.
The situation is twofold.

Я искренне считаю, that came to a certain final stage in the understanding of the market. I can explain any formation in the market. I understand all the movements, or at least such an illusion. I see what is really happening and is it possible “обработать” or “it is forbidden”.
I have nowhere to further develop, because. the system is complete and self-sufficient. For a year, I have added only some nuances to it..

Wherein, я крайне убежден что trader может развиваться бесконечно долго.

Therefore, I see my development in that, to manage your emotions and discipline as efficiently as possible during work. There are truly endless spaces for self-improvement..
Ie. (Again) endless development not in method development and market representation, and in its implementation, ie. экзекьюшена. After all, this is the only thing that forms the result., after creating the method itself.

And it will last until then, until I find ways to algorithmize my trading.

The only thing that periodically annoys – these are thoughts about, did I stop…

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