deflation and guys

even the most pesimistic optimists like me six months ago would not have believed, that from everywhere will be heard about the risks of double dip and (knitting eyebrows menacingly)  `` now we are on a deflationary path ''. it was even harder to believe that, that the markets will react badly to data on the US real estate market, the same when the application fails, the market expects a "moderate decline in activity in the primary market."

even funnier to watch, like a tytnin threat (growth % rates) passed (replaced by fiscal tytnin), which means you need to bullshit. I still do not understand the logic of describing the situation, for example, the morgan who sang. pesimists, but we are waiting for the growth of rates (from which one ask?), and then we score on the net negative effect of stimuli in 2011 year and become optimists as monetary policy will be soft.

about time, oh manners!)
pity, that everything planned for the year was accomplished in six months. and even more pity, that European blind recklessness in decisions intervened in expectations, statements and lack of action. now try to understand, what's in prices, what is not. and how we will live in the fall.


more heat:

He notes allegations that Tim Geithner, the US Treasury Secretary, has accused the eurozone of pushing Europe towards a 1930s-style slump – while Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank, has allegedly said the crisis was caused by the US in the first place. “This weekend’s G20 meeting could be a fiery affair,” he says.

You've heard that too? by the way they say about a safe haven in Ukraine…

  The Elliott Wave Protest Philosophy in Joseph's Simplified Version.
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