Dear emotions ...

Today promised to be rotten, tomorrow the MHIF, which means you should not expect good movements.

MT: Selling on the break of today's low, on the daily chart, he had a place to fall and the beginning of the trend loomed. Everything would be fine, but here 16.50 stock не прошла, at this moment a large green candle appeared on the futures and I did a stupid thing not to cover myself because most of the stock is about 10:00 across the U.S. either turning around or moving on, I chose the optimistic option, but he didn't pass.

HUM: Sold on breaking yesterday's low, this time I decided to take my 50C, came out on a pre-set limit order , although stupid because it could go lower.

HCP: I bought it on the break of today's high, but in vain. It was not necessary to enter after such candles up, the likelihood of a rollback was enormous. It was necessary to wait a little while to gain a foothold at this level..

HES: Sold it by 60.98 with risk in 4 cent, hoped for a rollback in 50C , but the market flew further and my share went with it. Ordinary I don't do this kind of thing, but the risk was minimal.

OXY: Promotion of the day, lost on it ¾ earned in a day, in the beginning I bought it about 55 and I got knocked out, and then sold in the same place. This is the most moronic trade I've had in a long time., there were just emotions and a desire to make quick money and beat off a minus. No logic, emotional trade. It's good that I managed to stop and didn't drain everything, began to increase the volume after 1 losses, in 2 once entered, increased the volume of positions and again lost. Entering 3 once, I would lose all the money and go to a minus still.

MOS: The buys came out and I bought finances with the Ritz and bought in addition along the way , sorry bought late. It was possible to earn in 3 times more, well, that's not bad. Truth in 1 shares remained overnight, for some reason the order did not work, but they didn't want to take me along the arch. I hope , that the Ritz market will open in positive territory tomorrow.

  Share - Take over Wall Street (Occupy Wall Street )

Results: Emotions let me down today and in a couple of minutes I leaked the earned, good, what else was there to lose. I didn't have time to stop unfortunately -(((

At MOS, it is necessary to gain positions more aggressively, I unlearned for a long time disgusting mosques.

Trade date : 17 Martha 2009

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