даа… this is how it happens

потратишь 7 hours to study – viewed about 1500 Shares, many interesting ones selected, filled alert-manager with approaches to interesting round supports and resistances. trades open, you sit waiting for an hour X when you can arrange positions, select inputs… here comes 19:00 Moscow time or 11:00EAST (in the usa), started from the short list, judging by the direction of the market ...! interesting breakdowns of the target levels down. super.. arrange 5 limit makers for short.
time 19:07.. in a minute they give two entrances. I take the rest, because. you need to track the development of these first two positions….
iii…. CLAP! in 19:10 both 10 cent (!) the stop has already been suspended and from these points the drain begins downward according to my calculation..
вот так. three minutes in the market and stop-trading according to the rules of the first two negative positions :)


went to the horizontal bar to drain excess energy)

  Where do the bulls go ....
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