Flower therapy

Specially for turalexxx. Well, as a memo to myself :)

Original taken from antardhan in Flower therapy

Color therapy is a color treatment method, which has become very popular today. Even in ancient times it was believed, that exposure to color is not only able to restore peace of mind, but it is also a serious curative factor for numerous physical ailments. Color therapy was born in antiquity.  Color was treated in Egypt, China, India, Persia.

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, each color corresponds to a specific element of the Wu Xing cycle.. Color preference in clothes indicates the "emptiness or fullness" of the corresponding organ according to Wu Xing.. The prevalence of any shade of color indicates the insufficiency of a particular Element..

Colors: the black, blue, blue and other shades of colors, creating a sensation of presence of water.

Colors: All shades of green, emerald.

Colors: yellow, beige, коричневый, ocher, оранжевый.

Colors: all shades of red from pink to purple,  purple.

Colors: white, серый, серебристый, golden.


Failure concepts (emptiness) and redundancy (completeness) used in Chinese medicine to differentiate between the strength and weakness of the body's defenses, and also between the abundance and weakness of the disease-causing principles, ie. redundancy and insufficiency syndromes characterize the state of pathogenic and antipathogenic Energy.

The concept of redundancy and insufficiency is used to characterize the corresponding pathological conditions., and completeness and emptiness - the functional state of various organs.

For example, fullness of the Stomach and Spleen indicates an active functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, and redundancy of the Stomach can manifest itself as hyperacid gastritis, severe pain syndrome, pathologically increased appetite, etc..

Fullness of the heart indicates the activity of the cardiovascular system., and the redundancy of the Heart is often manifested by irritability, нарушением сна, palpitations, arterial hypertension and other symptoms.

Although it should be admitted, that it is sometimes difficult to draw the line between redundancy and completeness, insufficiency, scarcity and emptiness.

Syndromes of redundancy or completeness often occur with the penetration of a pathogenic factor, and also due to imbalance in the functions of internal organs, as a result, metabolic disorders occur and pathological products accumulate in the body (slime, stagnant blood, etc.)

Common symptoms of excess are: сильное, noisy breathing, agitation, нервозность, feeling of fullness in the chest, sharp pain, increasing with pressure, increased muscle tone, высокое артериальное давление, temperature, lack of urine or often painful urination, thick coating on the tongue, strong rapid pulse.

For example:

• arterial hypertension (excess of internal Fire of the Heart or Liver);

• thermal, sunstroke when exposed to excessive heat, overheating in the sun (excess pathogenic exogenous Heat);

• excessive cooling, frostbite with a decrease in body temperature, drowsiness, etc.. (excess of exogenous pathogenic Cold).

In oriental medicine, in most cases, excess syndromes are considered as a consequence of the failure of other functional systems of the body..

For example, arterial hypertension (excess of internal Fire of the Heart or Liver) is more often a consequence of yin deficiency (vital substance) Congenital or acquired kidneys, etc..

This is very important, as it allows you to apply treatment, root cause, to strengthen a weakened functional system with deficient Fire syndromes.

Failure syndromes (scarcity or emptiness) may be congenital and may be acquired. The symptom of emptiness occurs due to the imbalance of body functions..
Functional impairments can be caused by: lack of physical fitness, poor digestion, senile weakness sexual excesses, multiple births in women, sometimes due to severe chronic illness.

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The deficiency syndrome always corresponds to the deficiency of antipathogenic Energy, but the pathogenic factor can be strong or weak, but may not be insufficient.

Common symptoms of deficiency: weakness, increased fatigue, quiet voice, weak breathing, pain, decreasing with pressure, low temperature, arterial hypotension, decreased muscle tone, light body of the tongue without plaque, thin weak pulse.

For example:

• deficiency of the immune system with a tendency to colds (deficiency of vital Energy and Yin of the Kidneys of a congenital or acquired character);

• chronic bronchitis with a sluggish course (deficiency of Yin and Chi Lungs);

• vegetative-vascular dystonia with paroxysms of the parasympathetic type against the background of congenital inadequacy of regulatory mechanisms (weakness of the kidneys, Hereditary Energy). In the differential diagnosis of deficiency and excess pain in difficult cases, special attention should be paid to the relation to pressure.: in deficiency syndrome, pain is relieved by pressure; with excess syndrome - increases.

A combination of excess and deficiency syndromes is possible. For example, with Yin deficiency of the Kidneys, there may be an excess of Fire of the Heart syndrome, which is normally inhibited by the Kidneys. At the same time, the symptoms of Yin deficiency of the Kidneys are weakness, утомляемость, dry mucous membranes, violation of the menstrual cycle, etc.. combined with symptoms of an excess of Heart - red tongue, "Tides", Feeling hot in the upper body, high blood pressure, etc.. A similar syndrome is often observed in menopause..

In the treatment of deficiency syndrome, acupuncture is used with a soft stimulating or regulating method with a warm needle, massage, fortifying agents, phytotherapy, warming up.

In the treatment of excess syndrome, acupuncture is used to dissipate, braking method, with an excess of exogenous Cold - warming up, moxibustion, other thermal treatments.

so, what colors and how they affect us.


Activates, increases physical performance, disease resistance, creates a feeling of warmth, moves blood.

Red acts optimistically. He has energy and vigor, pushing to do great things. Red is the color of strong people, he personifies perseverance and will, cheerfulness and fun. However, if you have high blood pressure, it can aggravate your condition, cause anger and irritation.

If you get tired quickly, want to sleep all the time, try decorating the room, in which you work, something red. Buy red roses, hang a picture in red in front of your eyes or just put a bright red folder on the table. This will increase efficiency and vitality..

ORANGE (refers to the element Earth)

Helps Defeat Fatigue, handru, depression, uncertainty, anxiety and fear. Orange color is useful for any disturbances in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the adrenal glands.
When a threat arises, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline, which instantly enters the bloodstream and makes you act quickly, to avoid danger.

Orange is the color of the crop, fruit of the earth, grown in the sun. It whets your appetite.

This is the color of action, enthusiasm and freedom.

people, suffering from pulmonary, heart and endocrine diseases, you must definitely get orange curtains. The body will respond to this color with great health.. And if you hang them in your bedroom, you will forget about sexual disorders.

This color is good during menopause., as it balances the hormonal state. It helps with infertility and helps to cleanse mucus from any body system..

  Hmm ... another victim of Sberbank.

Orange is used to treat mental breakdowns and depressive conditions.. It helps to free yourself from obsessive fears and strengthens morale..

Orange encourages going forward.


Increases concentration of attention, improves mood and memory. Its effect is very beneficial for liver disorders.. Yellow affects the solar plexus, which is associated with the liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach. In this way, the area of ​​yellow extends to the entire digestive tract. It is good for the skin and nervous system, improves eyesight.

Yellow is a wonderful "orderly". It tones up and detoxifies the entire body, helps relieve constipation, controls weight, as it promotes the movement of bodily fluids, for example, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, essential for digestion, controls perspiration, relieves puffiness.

Noticed, that yellow strengthens the central nervous system, promotes the desire to speak out, which relieves the soul and relieves obsessive thoughts.

Yellow gives liveliness to the mind, helps to quickly assimilate information, promotes clarity and precision of thought, awakens curiosity. With the help of the energy of yellow, you can overcome all difficulties and use all the possibilities.. This is the color of energetic people..

Vibrations of yellow are useful for lack of self-confidence or shyness.. Yellow gives fun and joy. It can relieve depression and a dark outlook on life.. This is the color of laughter.

Yellow is very diplomatic, full of composure, style and sophistication. This is the color of focus, so use it, when you need to bring certainty into your life.

GREEN (refers to the element Tree)

Promotes rhythmic heart function, rest your eyes, has a moderate anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, useful for reduced kidney function, dizziness, нервозности. He is the most harmonious and balanced of all the colors of the universe.. This is an emotional indicator - if the balance of the green color is disturbed, there are pains in the heart, which can be the result of envy and jealousy. Green is conducive to wholeness and love.. It is the color of emotional relationships.. Since green helps to get rid of negative feelings, refer to him in stormy periods of life, it will calm and cool emotions. Green guides. Therefore, it is used then, when to make a decision.

Green is the gateway to freedom, halfway rest, friendship color, it relieves negative emotions and stress, reduces arousal and restores stability.

Green is the color of decision making. If you hesitate and hesitate, close your eyes and visualize green. He is very productive., especially in business. A characteristic feature of green is practicality. He disposes of generosity, brings comfort to the world.

Green is composed of yellow and blue. Yellow is the last color on the hot side of the spectrum., and blue is the first part of his cold side. Yellow brings clarity, and blue is wisdom. Together they help you become aware of the events in your life.. This is very important, because most of the diseases develop due to negative images of the past, from which you need to free yourself.

Green loves harmony and balance: he is not hot, neither cold, neither active, nor passive. This is the color of great change. Green helps with claustrophobia (fear of confined space), expanding space.

Green is a great color for heart disease, relieves headache, improves liver function, stabilizes blood pressure and calms the nerves. Is a wonderful tonic. It harmonizes with everything, therefore it is a healing color with a wide spectrum of action. Trees and grass - what could be the best color therapy for humans?

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ГОЛУБОЙ (refers to the element Water)

Soothes, boosts immunity, relieves inflammation and burning sensation, for example with sunburn, favorably affects the functioning of the thyroid gland. This is the color of the present - the era of Aquarius, seeker of truth, walking ahead in search of truth.

Blue represents the highest order of the mind.. His strength lies in calmness and directness.; usually diplomats have a blue aura. Sometimes blue craving means a desire for change..

Blue helps with stress and anxiety, it is able to lower blood pressure. With its help, relieve inflammation, stop bleeding, reduce pain in sciatica and stomach ulcers; it helps with urinary incontinence.

The color blue won't do any good, if you want to lose weight. Noticed, that he attracts too fat people, because it calms and encourages them to stay that way, какие есть. Blue cravings are characteristic of the weak, spineless people.

Blue brings peace and contentment. He emanates calmness, уравновешенностью. It disposes to contemplation, reminds of the need to rest and relax.

How many people suffer from insomnia and do not know, what to read at night under a blue lampshade, then the dream will not keep itself waiting long. Can be hung in the bedroom and blue-blue patterned carpet, the result will be the same.


Provides a feeling of comfort and peace, relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, soothes breathing. Color therapy specialists especially recommend the color blue for women with menstrual irregularities and during menopause.. Blue color facilitates the course of diseases of the endocrine system. Besides, it affects the skeletal system, especially on the spine. Brain, eyes and sinuses are also treated in blue.

It is the most potent pain relieving color in the spectrum.. It can reduce the effects of air pollution, water and food, as well as negative vibrations, which are embedded in the subconscious. As his ears enter his field of influence, eyes and nose, blue color is good for acute inflammation of the sinuses and catarrhal phenomena.
This color heals painful memories, helps to cope with emotional turmoil, contributes to inspiration; wonderful cleaner. Blue is the color of the fulfillment of desires and intuition. With it you will be able to understand, what in life you need to get rid of.


enhances intuition, normalizes the condition of the lymphatic system, helps with migraines. Physically, purple affects the pineal gland., located in the diencephalon. All mental orders come from here. Purple must be used with caution - it is a heavy color. Too much can cause depression.. It is not recommended for treating young children.

The color purple is very useful for any internal inflammation..  Reduces skin breakouts, weakens the heartbeat. Supports the Immune System and May Soothe Shattered Nerves. Helpful for fatigue and eye pain, soothes emotionally unstable people.

The color purple is very powerful. He carries the world with him, combining strength and softness. This is the highest energy of humanism, kindness and love. Soak up purple, to reveal and release hidden opportunities. If you feel lonely or disconnected from life, imagine purple.

Because purple combines red and blue, it promotes the union of body and spirit. Sharpens vision and senses, but suppresses appetite.

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