CTA registered

 Your humble servant received approval, как NFA memberwww.nfa.futures.org/index.asp   and registered, as CTA (commodity trading advisor) with CFTCcftc.gov from 10 January 2011
As you probably know, CTA translates to something like `` Futures Trading Consultant '', which gives the right to manage client funds. Recently, CTAs are gaining in popularity due to the benefits of transparency and minimal start-up costs..
But, until I submit a special document to the NFA -Disclosure , I am not allowed to offer services. That's why. once, so right away…..!! :))

If anyone is interested in details, welcome!

P.S. Presumably, accounts will be opened for clients here , thus, everyone will be able to monitor their accountinstitutions.interactivebrokers.com/en/accounts/advisors/advisorsMain.php

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