
Sometimes I go to Collective2 see the results of trading strategies. So this time I discovered a strategy with equal equity. Forex trading, many different currency pairs at the same time, for diversification. Registered for a seven-day trial period, and immediately received signals to enter positions and stops with take profit. But something stopped me from fulfilling these signals in real life. I decided to just mark the orders on the chart for now and take a closer look. Or rather, it wasn't something inexplicable that stopped me, but a very specific — take profit was half a centimeter from the entry point, but stop centimeters by ten. That is, it can be viewed as, practically, trade without a stop, although officially he is, purely symbolic. And then I began to average when the position went at a loss.

And exactly, a bad feeling did not deceive me. From the day of my registration in this system, everything went wrong.. All profits since the beginning of the year are lost in a few days. Naturally,  after a seven-day trial period, I refused to continue. Here, after all, how it all coincided interesting :)

  Important: Trading signal!
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