CLR : Continental Resources, Inc.

CLR : Continental Resources, Inc.
Sector: Energy > Industry: Oil and Gas Operations

Континентальные Ресурсы, Inc., included 16 november 1967, are an independent oil and natural gas exploration and production company with operations in Rocky Mountain, Mid-Continent and Gulf Coast regions of the United States. The company focuses on research activities in new or developing games, which ensure her ability to acquire undeveloped acre positions for future drill operations. During a year, completed 31 December 2008, 70 % its reserves were located in the Rocky Mountain area. During 2008 The company acquired 20 square miles of 3rd seismic on the Chicago / Air defense project. Its wholly owned subsidiary – Banner Pipeline Company, L.L.C.

Rocky Mountain area

Company Properties are located in the Rocky Mountain area. The main production properties in this area are in Red River units, Bakken and Great Horn Basin. During 2008 Red River units represented 59.6 % her income. These eight units, including Red River units, located along the Cedar Creek Anticline in North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana and produce oil and natural gas from the Red River "B" formation, thin, непрерывный, dolomite formation in depth 8 000 – 9 500 feet. Cedar Hills to the north unit is located in Archer and Inclined Counties, North Dakota. During 2008 The company drilled 225 horizontal wells, with 128 production of wellbores and remainder, injection wellbores. Medicine Pole Hills units include 47 horizontal wellbores. During 2008 it drilled 7 new horizontal wellbores, 2 horizontal expansion of existing wellbores, And 2 horizontal return vertical wellbores.

Bakken Region of Montana and North Dakota – unconventional game of the oil resource in the United States with approximately 83 drills drills in the game during 2008. Bakken formation – Devonshire shale, found within the underlying parts of the Williston Basin of North Dakota and Montana, which contains three lithologic members, including upper slate, middle member and lower slate, which combined the range 130 feet thick. The upper and lower shales are organic, the heat is brewing and over the pressure applied, average participant, which varies in composition from silty dolomite to shalely limestone or sand, serves as a pool. His Montana Bakken manufacturing facility is located in the Elm Coulee area in Richland County, Montana. During 2008 The company held on 131 422, get “dirty” undeveloped acres in Montana Bakken game. Principal property of the Company in the Great Horn Basin, area of ​​Worland, produces primarily from phosphoria formation.

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Mid-Continent and Gulf Coast Areas

Company properties in the Mid-Continent and Gulf Coast region include Arkoma Woodford, Anedarko pool, Анэдарко Woodford, and Anedarko Atoka. During 2008 Companies owned 161 000 rough acres at Woodford game. The training consisted of a combination of research, go out and develop training, developed by, to provide acreage and delineate areas of economic production for further development. The Anedarko Basin produces from a variety of sands and carbonates in both stratigraphic and structural traps. During 2008 The company drilled 19 rough wells. Anedarko, of which the Woodford slate game of western Oklahoma includes 144 000, gets “dirty” undeveloped acres. His Trenton-Black River project in and around Hillsdale County, Michigan finished wells 7 общего количества, которыми управляют, in Game. Major manufacturing properties in the Gulf Coast are located in South Texas and Louisiana.

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