Quotes for every day

Everything, what's worth it, to have it in life, deserves it, to work for him.
Andrew Carnegie

Success comes only to those, who acts. He very rarely comes to those, who gives in to circumstances.
Jawaharlal Nehru

Success is never complete, and defeat is never final.
Dr. Robert Schuller

Love, when they tell me, that I cannot do it ... because all my life I see, how wrong they are, Believing, that I won't even try!
Ted Turner

Great thoughts speak only of the wisdom of the mind that generates them, and great actions are about the rulers of the destinies of mankind.
Emily P. Bissell

We see unfavorable circumstances in front of us only then, when we lose sight of our main goal.
Henry Ford.

To swim against the tide, the fish must be strong. And even a dead fish can go with the flow.
John Crowe.

You can never find enough time for that, to do everything necessary ... so you have to work hard, to free up so much time, сколько понадобится.
Charles Buxton

Defeat is just one of the options for the development of events, which needs to be discarded as unnecessary.
Joan Landen

You can't take one giant step, which will immediately provide you with the achievement of the desired goal. For any desired goal is achieved through many small and quite ordinary steps..
Peter Cohan

Aim at the moon ... because even if you miss - land on one of the stars.
Forest brown

There are a lot of beaten paths in the world., and if you are lucky enough to find at least one of them, follow it. But if there is no such road in front of you, take a pick and a shovel in your hands., and for work! For only you are responsible for that, to build the road to success - for yourself and for those, who will follow you!
Amelia Irhart

Work like this, as if money doesn't matter to you. Love so, as if you are not in danger of being rejected. Dance like that, as if no one is looking at you.
Mark Twain

Everything, what the human mind is able to understand and what it is able to believe is achievable.
Napoleon Hill

There are no secrets to success.. The only thing, what we really need is careful preparation, working conscientiously and learning from failure.
Colin Powell

That, what's behind our lives and what's ahead of us is a mirror image of, what do we have in it now.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Great achievements are just the result of perseverance and perseverance.
Самюэль Джонсон

The difference between, who achieved great and all other people lies only in the lack of will and desire on the part of the latter, and not at all in luck or lack of necessary knowledge.
Vince Lombardi.

Person, следующий за толпой, usually beyond the crowd and does not advance. And the one, who walks alone, is much more likely to find himself there, where the leg of an ordinary person has not yet set foot.
Alan Ashley-Pitt

It will take twenty years to form and strengthen a reputation.. Five minutes is enough to destroy it. If you seriously think about it, the way you approach your job will change a little.
Warren Buffett

Champions are not in gyms. To become a champion, you need to start deep inside - with desire, dreams and a clear vision of your success.
Mohammed Ali

The only thing, what really matters is just that, что Вы делаете сейчас, at this particular moment in time. The only thing, what can change your thoughts is, what are you thinking about right now, at this particular moment in time.
Eileen Caddy

The most important thing is to do at least something to achieve success., and do it right now. This is the most important secret - despite all its simplicity. Everyone has amazing ideas, but rarely does anyone do anything, to put them into practice, причем прямо сейчас. Not tomorrow. Not in a week. Now. Entrepreneur, who achieves success is the one, who acts, but does not slow down, and it works right now.
Nolan Bushnell

Everything, what can you clearly imagine in your imagination, what you can believe with all your soul and what you will strive for with enthusiasm, will definitely appear in your life!
Paul Meyer.

Stay away from those little fellows, who seek to rob you of your ambitions. Better make friends with great people. Great people are those, who can make you feel like a great person.
Mark Twain.

За все, what is worth having in life, you have to pay a certain price, and this price is made up of conscientious work, Patience, love and sacrifice. Paper currency, promises to pay bills and everything else is irrelevant, the only thing, what really matters is the gold of serving other people.
John Burrogs.

To succeed, only two things need to be done - clearly define what you really want, and then - pay the required price for all this.
Banker Hunt.

It is impossible to beat that, who doesn't give up.
Babe Ruth.

When you get to the bottom of the meaning of the word "success", then you will find, that it means just a relentless drive forward.
F. Nicole.

Only those who succeed, who always strives to help others. They, who is looking only for their own benefit, doomed to defeat.
Брайан Трейси

If you do not set goals for yourself, You guarantee your inability to achieve anything in life..
Yogi Bera

Success only comes to those, who does not give up trying to achieve his goal and invariably has a positive outlook.
Warren Clement-Stone.

Я не могу ждать, when success comes to me on its own, so I will immediately begin to move towards him.
Jonathan Winters

Before reaching what you want with ease, you need to learn to achieve what you want with diligence.
Самуэль Джонсон.

If then, what will we do now, we will not be satisfied, we can always make changes in the future, so don't be afraid, that something won't work out for us.
Франклин Рузвельт

Once, grandfather asked his grandson, what is he thinking so hard about. Grandson answered: "Grandfather, two wolves are fighting in my heart. One is evil and scary, the second is sweet and kind ". "Which one will win?» – grandpa asked. «Тот, whom I will allow to do it " – grandson answered.

Enthusiasm is that strength, which turns the turbine of our achievements.
Napoleon Hill

Winners always focus their minds on, how will they do that, what would you like to achieve. The same, who is doomed to fail, always strive to find an excuse for, why can't they do that, what should be done.
Dennis Waitley

Success has nothing to do with, in what we see our benefit. He comes to us only then, when we think about the benefits of other people.
Denny Thomas

Empty pockets never stop us from being the one, who we want to be. Only empty heads and empty hearts can prevent this..
Normann Pil

The majority are always the ones, who shows courage and enthusiasm.
Andrew Jackson

Usually, people don't want to give defeat a second chance. Therefore, failures have to act as quickly as possible and take over people on the first try.. Если же Вы, not resigned to defeat, learn from it the necessary lessons and try again - you will make one of the most powerful forces of success work for you.
Joseph Sugarman

Everyone, who achieved great success, скажет Вам, that his life changed at that very moment., when he first believed in himself.
Robert Schuler

Success is measured by the wrong, how high a man rose, and themes, how quickly he will recover, falling off the top and hitting the bottom of the deepest lowland.
George Patton

To change your life, one small step is enough to set a clear goal and fill your whole mind with it..
Scott Reed.

Addicted people need others, to achieve this, чего они хотят. Independent people can achieve everything they need on their own, and then use a mutually beneficial partnership with others, to achieve even greater success.
Stephen Kovey.

I dont know, what fate is in store for you, but one thing is for sure: they, who will actually be happy with you is the people, whom you can help with something.
Albert Schweitzer

Success is a child of courage.
Benjamin Disraeli

Playing in a well-coordinated team is the key to the long-term success of your success.
Jaclinemi Rudd.

Always expect the best – for you always get exactly what you get., what do you expect?.
Lori Hard

The size of your success is determined by the strength of adverse circumstances, which had to be overcome, to get your way.
Booker Washington.

To succeed, you will need to suffer the right number of defeats. For only in this way can we know, which in no case should not be done.
Anthony d'Angelo

They, who was on top - not from the sky there fell.
Markus Washling

Motivation is that, that will give you the initial impetus to work, but the steady continuation of the necessary work is the result of only habit.
Jim Rohn

A successful person is always a terrific artist of his imagination. Imagination is far more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited, and imagination is infinite.
Альберт Эйнштейн

Только те, who dared to go further than the rest, Understand, how far a person's success can go?!
T. Элиот

Amazing, how much an ordinary person can achieve, if he believes in, that he can achieve a lot!
Charles Kettering

Person, who is afraid of defeat, will never be able to enjoy the fruits of real success.
Pete Zafra

Не имеет значение, how little your achievement is YOUR ACHIEVEMENT – and it's great!
Greg Quinn

If you don't give up, when difficulties fall on you, if you don't run away from work, and if you do not give up in spite of everything - the only thing, what you will eventually achieve is a guaranteed success. No options.
Shelley Long.

Let Your Heart, разуму, intellect and soul to develop – even at first and in small steps. This is a direct road to success, and one of his most important secrets.
Swami Sivananda

The one, who sets clear goals and unshakably tries to achieve them – sentenced to success. This is the law of the universe..
Cesill deMille

The only way to climb to the top of the stairs is to overcome step by step., one at a time. And in the process of this ascent you will suddenly find yourself all the necessary qualities., навыки и умения, necessary for success, with which you, seems to be, never possessed.
Margaret Thatcher

Our destiny is shaped by those small and imperceptible decisions., which we take a hundred times a day.
Anthony Robbins

Always do more, what you are paid for. You will find yourself halfway to victory and desired success., when you learn to do more, what is expected of you, absolutely everything. Make yourself so useful to other people, to make it seem, that you are indispensable. Practice in the passage of an extra mile - and very soon you will begin to enjoy such rewards, who weren't even expected.
Og Mandino

Each of us agrees with that, that life is a complicated thing. Ну и что? We just have to get there., чего хотим, with diligence and diligence.
Marie Curie

In the life of each of us there are only two ways.: to put up with that, what we have today, or take responsibility for changing your life for the better.
Denis Waitley

Successful people don't think about their problems, and about the possibilities of their solution.
Stephen Kovey

A professional is that, who can do their job at the highest level, even if he doesn't want to do it now..
Alistair Cook

Regardless of your education and position in society, You will be able to significantly increase your chances of success, if you learn to define, when it is necessary to say that, what do you want to say?, and when it is better to remain silent.
Ralph Smedley

I don't know of any other quality as perseverance that is as important to success.. Perseverance can overcome all obstacles, and even the laws of nature cannot stop it.
John Rockefeller

Я знаю цену успеха. It's perseverance., diligent work and undivided dedication, what you want to achieve.
Франк Ллойд Райт

Don't be afraid of that., that your opinion will seem strange to someone, for every opinion by anyone will necessarily be accepted as very strange..
Bertrand Russell

Each problem contains an amazing opportunity, and much more powerful, than that, which is only needed to eliminate this problem. And the most amazing success stories confirm this., for they are created exclusively by those people, who saw in the current problem the right opportunity and turned it to their advantage.
Joseph Sugarman

A lucky person is that, who clearly defines their goals and moves towards their achievement, regard to any external stimuli.
Napoleon Hill

Never let your work guide you. Instead, lead it and keep everything under complete control..
Booker Washington

Follow your dream throughout your life and don't waste time on nothing, for the waste of time turnes away from you all that is beautiful..

My biographers say, that I started my journey to success, having absolutely nothing. That's not really true.. We all start working, having something, and it is from that, how we will handle that, what we have now, and our future success depends.
Henry Ford

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I don't have to be like that., how others want me to be, and I'm not afraid to be like that., how I would like to see myself.
Mohammed Ali

The most important award, which we get for our work, is not the, what we gain, therein, who we become as a result of this work.
John Raskin

I studied the biographies of a huge number of successful people and found, that they all have one thing in common – they have all achieved their goal through conscientious work., unquenchable energy and unbending enthusiasm.
Gary Truman

There is a place under the sun for everyone, who lives their work under the condition, that this work is the, what he likes to do.
George Collingwood

Success is measured by your proximity to achieving your goals., dreams and desires. And it is determined by dedication, conscientious work and patience. To be a successful person or not to be - you decide, and that choice is really in your power..
Will Horton

The difference between success and failure depends on, what do you think about most of the time?.
Dean Francis

It's never too late to set a new goal or find a new dream.
Forest brown

Those, who gets his way, от тех, who can never achieve anything, there is only one simple thing – understanding the need to ask for help at the right time..
Donald Keogh

In order not to do too many stupid things, just a few very important things are enough to do.
Warren Buffett

It's important to remember that, that neither success, neither defeat is final and irrevocable.
Roger Bebson

Success is the way, not the destination.
Ben Sweetland

To ensure your success – act like this, as if failure does not threaten you.
Dorothy Brandy
Success is often the result of just a few steps in the right direction..
Al Bernstein

Вы – можете, если верите, what you can.
Napoleon Hill

Success is just the result of luck, if you doubt it, ask any loser.
Irl Wilson

You have to try to do all that., what you don't think you can do.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Success begins then, when your main goal is before your eyes, not out of your sight.
George Bernard Chaux

Burning enthusiasm, multiplied by patience and perseverance, always brings success.
Dale Carnegie

In order for the right thought to take root in your mind, it is necessary to repeat it a sufficiently large number of times. And as soon as it takes root there, fantastic changes will begin in your life..
Claude Bristol

The biggest and most dangerous temptation is to wish too little success..
Thomas Merton

Yes, I'm a dreamer! And I'm proud of that., for it is because of my dreaminess that I can find my way in complete darkness., and then see the dawn earlier, than the rest of humanity.
Оскар Уайлд

Don't dream of success – create it!
Richard O'Brien

Only that achieves success, who lives, thinking positively, openly and selflessly loving and laughing enough.
Bessie Anderson Stanley

If you don't try to get it, what you need – you will never get it. If you never ask, the answer to your requests will always be negative. If you don't take a step forward, you'll stay there forever., where are you now.
Nora Roberts

Henry Ford always ensured the success of his subordinates because he knew how to listen and asked the right questions.. He never spoke.: "Enough, it's all nonsense!» He said: «Хорошо, let's think about it, how can we do that??»
George Brown

They, who dream in reality on a clear day, always go much further than those, who dreams, only falling asleep at night.
Edgar Allan Poe

The key to happiness is, to dream, the key to success is, to turn dreams into reality.
Джеймс Ален

Life is full of problems and ways to solve them. Trouble, that we encounter or destroy us, or make us stronger.
Rick Warren

All people, who has achieved a lot, have always been and remain great dreamers.
Orison Marden

Success makes ordinary things stunning and unusual..
Jim Rohn

I started my work on the basis of, that the main purpose of leadership is to nurture as many new leaders as possible., not subordinates.
Ralph Nader

Never run away from your defeats. On the contrary , study them as closely as possible and, having made the necessary conclusions, unleash those possibilities, which lurked in them.
Michael Korda

Nothing in our achievements deserves attention except the results of diligent and impeccable work.
Booker Washington

You have no power over that, what happens to you, but you have power over your attitude to what is happening. And it is this attitude that determines, who controls whom – the events of you or you these very events.
Брайан Трейси.

The only way to get everything in your life, what you want to have is to work on it properly.. And it doesn't matter who you are – the athlete, musician, writer, entrepreneur or whoever else. If you start working to achieve your goals, you will get everything you want., if you don't, you won't get anything.
Bruce Jenner

Until, as long as you regard your strengths as equal to those of any average person, you will not have a single chance to achieve great success.
J. a penny

Success is not measured by the grandeur of that, what does the one who wants to find it achieve?, and themes, how great is his enthusiasm and dedication in the fight against obstacles that come across him.
Charles Lindbergh

If you have a strong desire to win – you have already passed halfway to success, if you do not have such a desire - you have already passed halfway to complete defeat.
David Ambrose

You may be disappointed with your defeat and that's okay., but you will be sentenced to failure, if you do not make a single attempt to succeed.
Beverly Sills

Until, until you try to do something like this, what do you think?, ostensibly, you can't move forward a millimeter.
Ronald Osborne

Your success and happiness begins with you.
Хелен Келлер

Successful people and losers are not distinguished by the baggage of their knowledge., but the set goals and the desire to achieve them.
John Maxwell

The only difference between success and failure is, what man, добившийся успеха, did that, what the loser didn't want to do.
J. Riddinger

Person, who was able to move a mountain, начинал с того, that dragged small pebbles from place to place.
Chinese proverb

Success is not everything. That's just something..
Vincent Lombardi

Your imagination is your ability to see that today., what will happen in your life tomorrow.
Альберт Эйнштейн

Whatever you are up to, You will need inspiration. Regardless of whether, which path of life you choose, there will definitely be people, who will tell you, that you are mistaken. And there will be difficulties on your way to success., under the pressure of which there will be a temptation to believe that, that your critics are right. In order not to go astray and not to pass up in front of difficulties, You will need about the same faith and about the same enthusiasm., what does the soldier feel, fighting under his flag. Even the most peaceful world needs brave and fearless men and women, who, if necessary, could protect him.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Successful people know perfectly well, that the key to the necessary innovation lies in the revision of already known ideas from a slightly different angle..
Reed Markham

Action is the most important key to any success.
Anthony Robbins

Always be humble, and even if you have achieved great success, don't let pride ruin everything.
Bishop Leonard Amunna

A successful person will surely benefit from every mistake and try to achieve his goal again - but in a slightly different way., adjusted for experience.
Dale Carnegie

Believe in that, that the achievement of any of your goals is possible. Если Вы верите, that something is possible and achievable, believe it really, Your mind will definitely find a way to do this.. Belief in that, that a solution exists, opens the door to this very decision.
David Schwartz

All men and women, who have succeeded - great dreamers. They clearly understand, what should be their future, and then they start working with the sole purpose of making their dream a reality.
Брайан Трейси

Секрет достижения успеха заключается в том, to be ready to take advantage of the right opportunity, when she introduces herself.
Benjamin Desraeli

Don't be afraid to go beyond that., what is considered possible – for that's where success is.
Marcel Prost

No one has ever succeeded., just doing that, what is required of him. To succeed, you need to do much more.
Charles Adams

I do not pay attention to the shortcomings of people - it is much more profitable to notice only their advantages..
Andrew Jackson

You will never become a successful person, without solving several very interesting problems.
Mark Victor Hansen

I'm always looking to take it one step further after that., how everyone starts waiting, that I will stop.
Beverly Sills

Very little can help a person more, than making him responsible and showing him that, that you trust him.
Booker Washington

Never let the fear of a possible hit stop you..
Babe Ruth

Everything, чему предстоит случиться, You must understand and accept, the only thing, what is really important is that you accept and understand all this as well as possible., as soon as you can.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Submission to One's Fear is the Beginning of Gaining Wisdom.
Bertrand Russell

Success is every minute of your life. Success is the process of your life. He pauses in moments of experience of charm., beauty and joy. Success is not a destination, it is the quality and comfort of your trip.
Jennifer James

I praise loudly, and I condemn – quietly.
Empress Catherine II

As soon as you are visited by thoughts, write them down.. Unsolicited thoughts, usually, are the most valuable.
Francis Bacon

That, that you can succeed faster and better, if you help others to achieve success better and faster - the truth is.
Napoleon Hill

Before you win in your life, You must win in your imagination.
John Addison

Never be afraid to tread your path. Define your path and follow it regardless, where does he promise to lead you. Resist the temptation to follow in the footsteps of other people - your own footprints will look best on your path.
Eileen Caddy

Success is measured by, how high will you jump, hitting the bottom.
George Patton

The biggest reward for getting things done is seeing important things done.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Knowledge not applied is worse, than lack of knowledge at all.
Henry Charles Bukowski

Never despise the lower rungs of the ladder, for it is with them that the ascent to greatness begins.
Publius Cyrus

The best thing about any business is to see it through to the end..
Genghis Khan

To change the world, we must first change ourselves..

There is only one way to succeed – an unshakable pursuit of your goal..
Cecil deMille

Only that can succeed., who uses all their talents and constructive imagination to be able to provide the consumer with maximum benefits for every dollar of the price of the goods. Same, who is trying to get maximum dollars, not caring for the benefit of the consumer, doomed to utter failure.
Henry Ford

And optimists, and pessimists are right in their attitude to life. And you yourself choose, whose side are you on?.
Harvey Makei

In the great achievements of anyone there is a great merit of many hands, hearts and minds.
Walt Disney

Only those winners are, who listens carefully to the truth, coming from your own heart.
Sylvester Stalloni

If you miss, never think about it, что Вы сделали не так. Instead, aim again and think about, how do you get it right.
Tony Alfonso

All winners without exception have a habit of expecting the best from every event in their lives..
Брайан Трейси

A good criterion for measuring your own success is the number of people, whom you have made happy in your life.
Robert Lamsden

The history of mankind is the history of a fairly small number of people, who believed in themselves.
Swami Vivekananda

Opportunity can take you to unprecedented heights, but to stay there, you need the right character.
Виллиам Блейк

Success comes from realizing the worthwhile, clearly defined and important personal goals.
Paul Meyer

Why don't we climb this tree?? Isn't that where the fruits we need grow??
Frank Scully

If we did all that, what is in our power – we would be amazed at ourselves.
Thomas Edison

The secret of success is in the constancy of the goal.
Benjamin Disraelli

It's not because, that I'm so smart, because I approach every problem more cautiously, than others.
Альберт Эйнштейн

We are that, what we do over and over again. In this way, success is not a one-time action and not an accident at all, and the habit of constantly repeating all those actions, which are needed to achieve it.

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Sometimes even our maximum capabilities are not enough, and we have to do that, what we previously thought was above our strength.
Уинстон Черчилль

The path to success is constantly working in the right direction..
Anthony Robbins


Live your imagination, not memories of the past.
Stephen Kovey

Eternal optimism multiplies our strength by plus infinity.
Colin Powell

Forget your own benefit and get to work!
Gordon Hinckley

The most important thing in our life is not to get ahead of everyone else., but first of all himself.
Zig Ziglar

Always remember, that your own decision to succeed is a much more important thing, than any other.
Абраам Линкольн

The purpose of any strategy is, to make your dreams come true, created by our imagination.
Azim Premyi

Serving others, try not to think about yourself. For the more we think about ourselves and our benefits, the faster we lose hope.. And when we think about other people, we get even those fruits., which they never dreamed of.
Sidney Powell

Opportunities expand only then, when you use them.
San Tzu

Nothing beats enthusiasm in strength. Enthusiasm moves mountains, conquers everyone and everything. Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity, and without it no victory is possible.
Edward Balver-Lytton

Solution to any problem, which I have come across, immediately became the rule, which helped me solve other problems.
René Descartes
The most important thing to achieve success is a clearly defined goal.. Everything else – no more than, than comments on her.
Брайан Трейси

If you do not make mistakes, this is a sure sign that, that you don't play at all.
John Maxwell

I dont know, what is the key to success, but I know for certain, that trying to be everything to everyone is a sure guarantee of failure.
Bill Cosby


Mastery comes only with practice and cannot only come from reading instructions..
Napoleon Hill

Try to succeed, doing nothing - the same, what to try to harvest there, where you didn't sow anything.
David Blay

Until, as long as you have the ability to think - think big!
Donald Trump

Success is the sum of the results of all small steps, which we do daily.
Robert Collier

No man in history has achieved anything great, without generating it first in your imagination.
Napoleon Hill

Success is 20 % skills and 80 % strategic planning. Suppose, what you can read, but the most important thing is that, what exactly will you read.
Jim Rohn

Be yourself and say that, what do you feel?, ибо те, who cares to you will understand you, and you shouldn't care about everyone else..
Dr. Schwess


People rarely succeed., if you are busy with, which does not give them pleasure.
Dale Carnegie

Take any action, regardless of the opportunities available, tantamount to defeat. Focus on your strengths, not the weak... on its strength, not on their own problems.
Paul Meyer

The reason, on which people, having precisely formulated goals, succeed for quite a banal reason – they know, where are they going.
Ayle Nightingale

Thoughts, reflections and ideas are the source of all wealth, успехов, material well-being, all great discoveries and achievements.
Mark Victor Hansen

The secret to business success is, to know something like that, what nobody else knows.
Aristotle Onanis

If life was a soccer game, then its main principle would sound like this: “Hit more accurately and harder!»
Theodore Roosevelt

If you start working on your goals, they will also work on you.. If you work on your plan, it will also work on you.. Likewise, all those good things., which we strive to do, strive to make you better.
Jim Rohn

If a person is confident in his own abilities and believes in the achievability of his dreams - success will definitely come to him., and in the most unexpected way and at the most unexpected time.
Henry David Tory

Successful people see opportunities in every difficulty., instead of, to notice difficulties on the way to any opportunity.
Reed Markan

Even if you have to go through hell - go without hesitation.
Альберт Эйнштейн

Any thought, established in the mind, immediately begins to materialize, using the most appropriate practical method for this.
Andrew Carnegie

If you can clearly imagine something, you can achieve it.. If you can dream about something - you have all the means to achieve this.
William Arthur Ward

Our doubts make us lose something, what could we get, if they didn't feel fear.
William Shakespeare

The only way to achieve a goal is to dedicate yourself to it..
Vince Lombardi

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the most important key to success. If you like it, what you do – you will definitely succeed.
Albert Schweitzer

Success is that, что Вы делаете, and what you get in the end.
Leroy Van Dyke

Behind any success are years of long and fruitless attempts to attain it..
Bob brown

The pessimist sees terrible difficulties in every opportunity.. The optimist sees opportunities in any terrible difficulty..
Уинстон Черчилль

Write down the six most important things on paper every night., which you need to do tomorrow. While you sleep, the subconscious mind will do all the necessary work and determine, how they can be made in the best way possible. And your new day will be much more productive..
Tom Hopkins

Never reject the need to perform minor tasks... for you do not know, where they will take you.
Julia Morgan

The main feature of a successful person is not his ability to prevent problems and difficulties., and his ability to cope with them, when they appear in front of him. To succeed, we must find a delicate balance between the two..
David Schwartz
Не имеет никакого значения, how insignificant and small your undertaking looks. The only thing, what matters is the result, which will follow this undertaking.
Henry David Tory

People are in their troubles, usually, blame the circumstances, которые они, ostensibly, unable to control. I don't believe that.. People, who succeed, looking for those circumstances, that they need, and if they can't find them, they create them themselves..
George Bernard Chaux

Any defeat must be turned into success.. Disappointment as a result of defeat is the heaviest "pitfall" on the way to great achievements.
Dale Carnegie


If you think, what you can do, и если Вы думаете, that you can't – you're right about that., and in another case.
Henry Ford

The one, who have never suffered setbacks and defeats, cannot be a great man.
Герман Мелвилль

Here's a recipe for success: учитесь, while others sleep, работайте, while others rest, be ready, while others relax and dream, while others cry.
Вильям Вард

Success is not the same, what do we have, and that, who we are.
Jim Rohn

On the upper rung of the ladder to success there is never pandemonium, so you can be sure, that there will definitely be a place for you there.
Napoleon Hill

The future belongs to those, who believes in the beauty of their dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt

It is better to do beautifully, than beautiful to say.
Benjamin Franklin


Success comes then., when we suffer defeat after defeat, without losing enthusiasm.
Уинстон Черчилль

The real key to success lies in the right application of enthusiasm..
Walter Chrysler

They, who have all, what we would like to have, Worked, when everyone else was celebrating, lifted their spirits, when everyone else was tormented by despair, constantly trained your mind, formed useful habits and followed their goals, while everyone else spent time aimlessly.
Grenville Kleiser

Be brave - and unknown and very powerful forces will come to your aid!
Tsar Basil

To become a champion, You need to believe in yourself even then., when everyone else is unwilling to share your faith.
Sugar Ray Robinson

The vast majority of people give up a stone's throw from success. They stop their journey at that moment., when success is a few steps around the corner. And the saddest thing is that they will never know., how close he was!
Ross Perot


Very often mediocre in many ways people achieve unheard-of success for a quite banal reason.: they, unlike smart and literate people, didn't know, when exactly you need to give up and give up. And they weren't at all sure., that you need to give up for something at all.
George Allen

If you envy successful people, thereby creating a force field around yourself, charged with negative energy and repelling from you all that, what is needed to ensure success. If you admire successful people, you create a force field around you., charged with positive energy and attracting to you everything you need. And then success is a foregone conclusion..
Брайан Трейси

Your destiny is formed by those fleeting and immediately forgotten decisions..
Anthony Robbins

Buyers are not the numbers of your statistics, and living people.
Stanley Marcus

One side of life is luck, the second side is discipline, and it's more important. For, lacking discipline, You will not be able to take advantage of luck.
Karl Zackmeiter

Yesterday I grieved my defeat., but today I will definitely rejoice in another victory.
Bernadette Delvin


Pay attention to each of the days, in the evening of which you are filled with joy and satisfaction. And you'll see, that this is not the day, when you indulge in idle idleness, and day, when you had a lot to do, and you did a great job with it.
Margaret Thatcher

Even if you're on the right track, you'll have to go., чтобы попасть туда, where you need.
Will Rogers

When I was young, then out of ten of my undertakings, nine failed... I mean, I did ten times as much work., what was needed.
Bernard Schaux

Success is like a ladder, attached to the wall, and no one has ever been able to climb up, holding your hands in your pockets.
Zig Ziglar

Nothing can prevent a person, armed with a positive worldview, to achieve the goal. Similarly, nothing will help a person., having a negative psychological attitude.
Joseph Crossman

I can accept defeat, but I will never accept the thought of, that you need to give up trying to get your way.
Michael Jordan

The main difference between the, who has achieved success and those, who was defeated, is not the, that the first one had a better idea, and in that, that he began to work on putting his idea into practice..
Maxwell Maltz

Great achievements are not accomplished by one short-term impulse., and through a few small thoughts and actions, сложенным воедино.
Vincent Van Goch

Losers always imagine punishment for defeat, while winners always imagine a reward for success.
Rob Gilbert
Imagine a clear winner, and this alone will significantly reduce your let to success.
Harry Fosdick

To achieve the maximum is not the constancy of success and not every second happiness. To achieve the maximum means to use all that correctly, what do you have now and through this to achieve consistency of success and every second happiness.
Ken Ravicca

Success doesn't come to that, who accidentally scorches their feathers. He can only come to that, who is ready to stick his head into the fire.
Reggie Leach

It doesn't matter, к чему Вы стремитесь. It is important to maintain self-discipline and, finding out, what trials fate has in store for you, with dignity to withstand them.
Wilma Rudolph

The greatest glory comes to none of that., who never fell, а к тому, who rises as high as possible after each of his falls.
Nelson Mandella

A strong and successful person is not a fruit of his environment.. He himself creates those conditions., in which he needs to grow and develop.
Orisen Marden

Quality is the desire to do everything as best as possible even then, when it doesn't matter to anyone.
Henry Ford

Dreams play cruel jokes only with those, who doesn't have them.
Peter Reese

I'll definitely get there., what is called success, and when I am asked, what's my secret?, I'll just answer: "I get up – every time after that., as I fall".
Paul Harvey

Success comes to that, who is open to the right opportunities and able to take advantage of them, when they appear.
Alice McDougall

If you want to be successful, ask yourself the following four questions: Why? А почему бы и нет? Why not me? Why not right now?
Jimmy Dean

A thousand miles journey starts with one small step.
Lao Tzu

Hawks fly much higher, when they fly against the wind.
Уинстон Черчилль

Every successful person, everyone, who has achieved something significant, knows one magic rule very well: in any difficulty or problem there are seeds of equal or even greater benefit.
Warren Clement-Stone

Success is 10 percent of inspiration and 90 percent sweating.
Thomas Edison

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Our strength lies in our ability to make decisions.
Buckminster Fuller


There is no greater pleasure in life, than the pleasure of overcoming difficulties on the way to success.
Самуэль Джонсон

You don't pay the price of success. You enjoy it.
Zig Ziglar

Your life should be a constant movement towards success, not a series of interruptions in this movement.
Arnold Glasgow

If you have to do it, but you're scared – sting your teeth and still do it!
Emmett Fox

Look at the postage stamp. You can successfully use it only if you glue the right side. It's the same with everything else in life..
Josh Billings

To change from a loser to a lucky one overnight, it took me twenty long years.
Eddie Cantor

The Main Law of Free Enterprise: To obtain – you need to give first.
Scott Alexander

The calmer and more balanced a person is, the more powerful his potential is and the greater his success in good and worthy deeds will be.. The equanimity of reason is one of the greatest treasures of wisdom.
Джеймс Аллен

That, what you believe and expect with all your heart and soul, will definitely happen.
Френк Ллойд Райт

The road to success is never definitively constructed..
Lily Tomlin

Hope is not a dream, and a way to turn a dream into reality.
L. Cardina Sjunance

They can do it because they're sure., what they can.

We are born to be persistent, because only through persistence we learn, who we really are.
Tobias Wolfe

Success has nothing to do with, what have you personally achieved in your life. The true measure of success is, what have you helped other people achieve.
Denny Thomas

People are born to win, а не чтобы проигрывать.
Henry David Tory

To tell, that we did everything we could, недостаточно. We must achieve this, what is needed - and only then will we find real success.
Уинстон Черчилль

Success is a process, the quality of our mind and the way of human existence.
Alex Nobel

Только те, who is able to take risks and go further than others, can figure out, how far can he go.
T. With. Elliot

A person can succeed in absolutely everything., what is genuinely enthusiastic about.
Charles Schwab

Here are five must-haves for any entrepreneurial success - Focus, Проницательность, Organization, Renewability and Sociability.
Michael Gerber

One single sane idea is what it takes to truly succeed..
Napoleon Hill

We can achieve everything, чего пожелаем, if we try enough.
Элен Келлер

Only he achieves success., who stays after everyone else leaves.
William Feeder

Defeat is just an opportunity to start over, being much better prepared.
Henry Ford

If no one criticizes you, then, you have not yet achieved success.
Malcolm Forbes

The opportunity lies somewhere in the middle of your problem.
Альберт Эйнштейн

If you want to be successful - here's a completely elementary recipe for you.: thoroughly understand, what do you do, love it, what you do and believe in, what do you do.
Will Rogers

Man is able to change his outer world by changing his inner world..
William James

Show me an ordinary office clerk, who has a clear goal – and I'll show you the person, which can change the course of history. Show me the person, who is going to change the course of history, without a clearly defined goal - and I will show you an ordinary office clerk.
J. a penny

A successful person is that, who takes full advantage of the chance presented to him.
Roger Bebson

To become successful, it is enough to do very little of all this., what is in our power.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you have never been upset and disappointed, then, You've never tried to take your chance..
Julia Saul

Man is a social animal, goal-oriented. His life has meaning only then, when current goals are achieved, and instead of them are put new.

The first step towards success is to do something useful., which gives us real pleasure.
Sir William Osler

Everyone has the right to be successful, but his ability to find success directly depends on his will, thoughts and desires.
Ein Rand

A successful person focuses more on being, to do the right thing instead of, to do things right.
Peter Drucker

I have suffered defeat after defeat - and it is because of this that I have achieved success..
Michael Jordan

The most important wealth in our life is not knowledge, and the results of our achievements.
Thomas Henry Huxley

People, who have achieved a lot - these are the people, who were not afraid of responsibility, risk and went to any lengths for the sake of ultimate success.
B. Forbes

Don't let things, which are not in your power, prevent you from doing that, what is in your power.
John Wooden

Success is a continuous process of unlocking your potential, nothing more. That's why, if you want to be successful, smile at your life and live it ... enjoy life, taste it, inhale her scent and feel her rhythm!
Joe Napp

Только те, who can dare to defeat, are able to achieve true success!
Robert Kennedy

A true leader clearly sees that picture., which needs to be achieved, he is inspired to achieve this goal and is able to inspire everyone else to do so..
Ральф Лаурен

Man cannot be defeated until then., until he admits defeat himself..
Napoleon Hill
To achieve twice as much success, you need to double the number of your attempts, for every defeat is only a great opportunity to start over., being more carefully prepared.
Henry Ford

Everyone, who is confident in his victory, sooner or later will find it.
Ричард Бах

People actually change amazingly, when they gain faith in that, what can achieve what they want. Such faith is the first key., opening the door to success.
Norman Vincent Peel

Any great achievement is the result of careful preparation and a sufficient number of attempts..
Roger Stobach

Success and failure are predictable, for they are a direct consequence of man's actions.
Брайан Трейси

Success is a consequence of making the most of that, what you know, you can and can.
Zig Ziglar

If you only do the same thing, that all mediocre people – you won't get more, than that, what is at the disposal of typical mediocrities.
Брайан Трейси

The difficulties and problems of today are the price, which we must pay for tomorrow's awards and achievements.
William Betker

Делай то, what can you do now - in order to be able to do that very soon, what seemed impossible before.
Theodore Roosevelt

Defeat is just a price to pay education success and nothing more.
Walter Brunel


Wealth is a good idea, multiplied by indomitable energy.
Buckminster Fuller

Our dreams are the driving force behind our successful growth!
Woodrow Wilson

All our lives we face great opportunities, ingeniously disguised as all kinds of failures.
Lee Iacocca

Victories in life are preceded by victory over oneself.
Stephen Kovey

A great person clearly knows his purpose in life. Everyone else only has emotions.
Washington Irving

A successful person has a habit of doing these things regularly., what are the losers so afraid of.
Albert Gray

Clarity and certainty of goals is one of the most important components of success, regardless of whether, what exactly is a person striving for.
John Rockefeller

I can tell you the most important characteristic of an optimistic person.: even if the circumstances are not very good, he knows, that very soon everything will be much better.
Frank Hughes

Many people look at the world around them and ask: "Why?»I look at the world around me with hope and ask: "Why not?»
George Bernard Chaux

Certainty in everything is an important component of success.
Henry Longfelow

The only brake on the path to our tomorrow's achievements is our today's doubts..
Франклин Рузвельт

That, how a person acts and what he achieves is a mirror image of his dominant thoughts.
Wallace Wattles

Success requires certainty of aspirations.
Vincent Lombardi

Man is a product of his dominant thoughts. For he becomes the one, what he thinks about for more time.
Mahatma Gandhi

Секрет успеха состоит в том, to learn to use pain and pleasure instead of, to let them use you. When will you do this, you will take control of your own life, but if you don't, life will control you.
Anthony Robbins

First, clearly define, who do you want to become, and then do everything, what do you need, to become the one, кем хотите быть.

If you can clearly imagine something, it means, You can achieve this. The only barriers in our life are those, which we set ourselves.
Брайан Трейси

Problem is a great chance to do your job much better.
Duke Ellington

Nature has endowed man with two main devices - one he can think, and sit on the second. The success or failure of a person depends only on, which of the devices he uses the most time.
George Kilpatrick

New knowledge is a great springboard for the jump to success.
Джеймс Ален


Successful people take the lead, using that time, which everyone else is wasting.
Henry Ford

Man has power over his life because, that he is in control of his attitude towards her.
Napoleon Hill

The vast majority of people fail because, that they don't even suspect, how close they were at the time, when they dropped their hands.
Thomas Edison

You must have long-term goals., so that short-term defeats do not unsettle you.
Bob Bales

I'd rather strive to do something great and fail, than I agree to practice successful doing nothing.
Robert Schuller

Regardless of whether, what do you dream about - start working on it! And then real miracles will begin to happen in your life.!

Our life will start to improve only then, when will we take those chances, которые нам выпадают. And the hardest thing, what we have yet to be is to be completely honest with ourselves.
Walter Anderson

Success is self-explanatory, failure does not accept excuses.
Napoleon Hill

I don't only dream at night, but all day long - in this way I make all my dreams come true.
Steven Spielberg

Hope is the partner of strength and the mother of success. Those of us, who has it strong enough, regularly receive magical gifts from their own lives.
Sydney Bremer

A gem cannot be polished without rubbing. Likewise, a person cannot become successful without a sufficient number of difficult attempts..

Если Вы не знаете, where you go - whichever way you go, You will come to nowhere.
Henry Kissinger

Man is that, what does he believe in.
А.П. Chekhov


Our goals are our dreams, which we turn into plans, and then, using our own actions - into the reality of our life.
Zig Ziglar

Here are four steps to any great achievement.: clear planning, тщательная подготовка, positive attitude and work with diligence.
Уильям Вард

I have no time to waste my time, оглядываясь на прошлое.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Who told you, that it is impossible? And who is he, so easily to operate with the word "impossible" in relation to your ideas?
Napoleon Hill

May your dreams be global, for petty dreams do not have the power to influence the heart of a person.

Yes, I walk slowly ... but then I always go only forward!
Абраам Линкольн

Everything, what we need to be successful is not overseas, and in our own head - it is there that we need to look for all the required.
Robert Stevenson

Show me a successful business, and I will show you a courageous solution implemented with enthusiasm.
Peter Drucker

The road to success is always a road uphill and to climb it, you need to make an effort.
Willie Davis

Success at first requires ten shares of effort., to get one fraction of the result. After that, how will you cope with this - you will constantly receive ten shares of the result with one share of the effort.
Charles Given

The only true criterion for success is comparing, what do you do with that, что Вы могли бы сделать.
Paul Meyer

By itself, this or that circumstance of your life does not matter, the only thing, what is really important is your attitude towards him. And it is this attitude that determines success or failure..
Norman Vincent Pil

Sitting and taking notes is easy. But getting up and getting to work is much more difficult., although your success depends on this.
El Butt

Success is getting that, what do you want to get. Happiness is the desire to have that, чем Вы обладаете.
Dale Carnegie

First, what should be done, to succeed - to love that, чем Вы занимаетесь.
Sister Mary Lauretta

Never, never, never give up - no matter what happens!
Уинстон Черчилль

The most amazing success often comes right after the most bitter disappointment..
Henry Ward Beecher

Whatever happens - keep working, insisting on that, that you want it - and so it will be.
Henry Ford

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