Quotes : James Dyson

Правила бизнеса Джеймса Дайсона

• I never give advice, because I myself never listen to them. We must go our own way. Dream and act differently, than others.
• When you unsuccessfully work on something for a long time and at some point you lose faith in yourself, then, probably, this is that moment, when you almost succeeded.

• The path to success is through so many failures! When I was creating a vacuum cleaner, i had to do 5127 prototypes. I.e 5126 attempts were unsuccessful.

• My recipe for success is to do this, What do you believe in. Regardless of whether, will you make money with it or not.
• The most important thing, when you need to design something, Is persistence and willingness to fail.
• Do it yourself and do it quickly. Don't try to sell your idea to topics, who determines the rules of the game in the market today.
• If you are enthusiastic, if your ideas give you passion, you will definitely win.
• I think, what are the most important qualities for success, it is persistence and true faith in your product.
• I believe, that experience is not a prerequisite for success. Quite the opposite, experience can do you no good. After all, he only tells you about, what has worked in the past.
• Mistakes are a very important part of the journey.. You must make mistakes! You will learn a lot from mistakes..

  Analogies in trade
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