Banker's cynicism(bank)

I'm not always, maybe never, agree with Robert Reich, but this time I completely agree with his opinion.
Yesterday Jamie Dimon, chapter JPM , at the speech of BernandQE, pushed a speech. they say strict regulation interferes with banking activities. They say all the bad players have already gone out of business and only normal organizations remained.
Well, yes, they ate the little ones, Cache balances and now complain.
And when there was no strict regulation, How are you " pooped" ?!!!Thanks to your securitization of illiquid and "shove" clients, the entire financial structure of the United States was shaken, which affected other countries as well!!!
А сколько вам FED помог в период кризиса вы уже забыли!!! And now new rules prevent you from doing WHAT , rob again?????

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