What time will do to you:

Interesting post from Fartlab. Ie. NOT MINE.

I will also tell you what the market gave me and how it changed my mind…
I'll lay it out in disarray, for He is the true order of things.

1. Leaked a couple of tangible depots, each the size of a passable used car or a small house in a provincial low-rise town.

… 2. Has noticeably strengthened his knowledge and achievements in the field of mathematics and programming.

3. Became wiser and more tolerant. I stopped looking for any principles or morality in the actions of people. Basic human principle, which should be taken into account - “I am weak and I want to live, therefore I will act unscrupulously ". This completely deprived me of any claims to others and pacified.

4. Learned to calmly lose. And became less greedy for profit.

5. The main principle in the market, which must always be taken into account - "all, what can be thrown should be thrown ". Even if the market is confidently going its own way and sees, your bare ass, he will turn around for a while, will fuck you in passing and go wherever he went.

6. I haven't raised the dough yet, since I work with minimal deposits and I only have enough for housing, gasoline, sandwiches with caviar. Besides, I have not yet recaptured my depots that were once merged.

5. Learned not to drain for a long time. You can say, infinitely long ))) This is already an achievement, although dancing around zero.

6. After that, how did i start trading, I have a loss of sex drive, have prostate adenoma, angina, blood sugar, protein in urine, ringing in my head, blurred eyes and calorimeter disorder…

7. For some reason, I have quite a lot of familiar interesting girls of 30 years of age., quite successful in life, well-groomed, with boobs, good assholes and dough. They are always ready for a bike ride with me, tennis and segz. Besides, they bring all sorts of goodies, when they come to visit and some do thai tit massage (need to say, awesomely soothes the nerves and does not need any segzu). And one even offered to remove the damage from me,, which I vaguely guessed - I will think, but scary, for I learned to live with corruption, but I have forgotten how to live without her.

8. I began to take care of my health on the sly, since there are many opportunities in life, which I would like to use.

9. Understood, that the vast majority of people have practically no values ​​left in their lives, except for the dough, sincere communication and satisfaction of physiological needs.

9. Understood, that the planet is overpopulated and more 40% population are parasitic.

10. Nothing else matters in the social sphere. Not your image, neither that, how did you help whom and at what stage, nor your achievements and services to society, not a thought, not creative, no connection ... Everything became public, mundane and depreciated. It doesn't make sense to make a name anymore, professional status - these assets cannot be sold.

11. Ballast began to go out of my life. Это вещи, which I have kept for years, this is a nedvizka, free dating and aspirations. I have not communicated with artists for a long time, музыкантами, actors and directors.

12. I began to give up the versatility of my options and began to concentrate purely on extracting money from market movements.

13. Understood, that any investor, not controlling the object of its investment, will quickly go into a minus or lose money.

14. discovered, that the number "13" is a lucky number for many people! Nevertheless, according to Pythagorean mathematics, this number is "4" and in Eastern life is not particularly complained about by many people.

15. History teaches, that earnings on the near-market are the only stable earnings. In the market itself, units and, usually, these are insiders of the highest echelon.

16. The last time of all business proposals on the market 98% - stupidly "become meat". And, "Meat" is invited to become like the poor, so rich.

17. Understood, that “in our difficult time, no one can be trusted ...!» ©

18. The concept of the Motherland lives only in the world of our memories and more and more disappears from the real.

19. Our whole life is a market. And the market is a theater. Shakespeare was right)... Actors make money, authors, ticket holders. Pay - viewers only.

20. Jungle Law - Fair Law.

21. Statistics live only in the past tense. And in the foreseeable future, it works out less, than on 50%. We must learn to predict by the state of total entropy.
Increasingly satisfied with the results of their market experiments.

  what is MMT (modern monetary theory) ???!!!
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