What Poker Players Accept [Top 5 Nootropics]

Hello! Nootropics are slowly penetrating all areas of our daily life.. And as is often the case, all trends come from the countries of the western world. I decided to study foreign forums and sites, to highlight several basic substances, used in poker and adapted to our CIS conditions. We inform you in advance, that this is not mathematics and there are no exact options. Same way, certain substances may not work for some.

At the beginning, which is often overlooked - it is important to set aside time for daily practice of the game, test strategies, eat and sleep normally. Yes! Gourmet players don't hang out in bars at night, do not eat anything, and then suddenly they go somewhere and win.

At all, probably in any business, it is important to give all of yourself to this business and only then look for magic wands.

Generally, articles and forums need a clear head and a minimum of emotions, so that no one understands your cards. A moderate feeling of fear is also important..nootropics for poker

so, here are the most common substances!

  1. Hydrafinil

Western players sit tight on modafinil. Modafinil is banned in Russia, so, if you do not want to have a high risk of problems with the law, forget about modafinil.

Russian modafinil replacements:

Hydrafinil, armodafinil, adrafinil (recent 2 - can get to the bottom).

Now Hydrafinil is gaining popularity, the effects are very similar, but it is not on the banned substance lists. There will be a separate issue for Hydrafinil and it will be in our shop. It is also called Fluorenol.Hydrafinil and modafinil

Himself modafinil It is also considered one of the most powerful nootropics.. Its main effects: high concentration of attention, light stimulation, long-term action. The mechanism of action is associated with an increase in dopamine and histamine. The speed of thinking will also increase.

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Modafinil Denied, do not pronounce the dosage. Hydrafinil - 50-100 mg, one-time admission, or in a course of several days.Hydrafinil Гидрафинил

  1. Aniracetam or Pramiracetam

Second, which often flashes among top players - Aniracetam. It is a derivative of piracetam with a more anti-anxiety bias.. And a little blunting of emotion in poker is good.. Aniracetam is also considered a "creative" racetam, allowing you to find creative solutions. Although I personally don't understand why there is creative in poker, rather in chess, but the substance is often featured, and therefore is on this list.

Pramiracetam the same is seen as a convenient substitute for aniracetam for stress-resistant people, who does not care about the anti-anxiety effect. Leaving only a powerful intellectual effect.

Dosages of any of the substances - 1 -1,5 city, well 2 months, break a month.aniracetam nootropic

  1. Creatine

Yes, it is creatine - a sports supplement for muscle growth! Interest is, that the derivative of creatine is creatine phosphate and creatine itself, used by the brain as a source of energy. Certainly, the more sophisticated of you will immediately say, that ordinary glucose is already a source of energy for the brain and will be right. Creatine's Cumulative Effect for the Brain, so for muscles, as well as a longer lasting effect. Creatine phosphate, with the help of chemical reactions accelerates the creation of ATP. All in all, major topic, there is research (Link 1 , 2 ). And most of it was for taking creatine to improve intelligence.. Maybe there will be a separate issue!brain creatine

Daily dosage of creatine: 4-5 gram (in the form of monohydrate). Drink better 1-2 months with a break of a month.

  1. Noopept

Bourgeois is well aware of Noopept. Noopept improves the sensitivity of receptors to acetylcholine, and increases neurotrophic factors, which grow and protect nerve cells. Generally, noopept has an effect on memory and anti-anxiety. Quite soft substance, sold without prescription. According to reviews, about 10-15% people do not tolerate it anyway.

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In the west, noopept is really loved, its name is often featured on forums. Although, subjectively, it is weaker than other substances on this list.hydrafinil neuron

Dosage 30 mg per day, admission course 4-6 weeks with a break of a month.

  1. Caffeine + Theanine

Caffeine – the well-known classic psychostimulant, works by blocking adenosine receptors and improves dopamine receptor sensitivity. This is about pure caffeine., coffee contains other compounds that can make you sleepy.

Theanine – green tea extract, has a relaxing effect, improves creativity, increases alpha rhythms in the brain.

Together, it's a well-proven bundle of nootropics. Briefly described as a state of calm wakefulness, when there is high brain activity for a long time without sudden surges and changes.

This circuit has a lot of research too., read more in issue about L-Theanine! Generally, improves reaction time, memory and mood.

Players accept this combination only on the day of the game. Usual dosages: 150-200 mg of caffeine and 200-250 mg l-theanine. You can also take a course.caffeine and theanine


Here are some substances, which are actively used in the West by poker players. Read the side effects and contraindications on your own!

- Modafinil or for LPG - Hydrafinil. Ranked among the top nootropics.

- Aniracetam or Pramiracetam. The first for the brain and to be a little bolder, the second is just for the brain. Both molecules are derived from piracetam, classic acetylcholine nootropic. There is an impact on AMPA receptors.

- Creatine. Extra fuel for the brain and body!

- Noopept. Nootropic with anti-anxiety action, and although the description is similar to aniracetam, yet they are very, very different.

- Caffeine with L-Theanine. Proven scheme with high efficacy-to-side effects ratio, active wakefulness.

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A source : http://clevermind.ru/chto-prinimayut-igroki-v-poker-top-5-nootropov/

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