What to visit in New York

Statue of Liberty, The Brooklyn Bridge, Times Square, Central Park, Broadway, Wall Street and Brighton Beach - a typical "collection" of New York attractions. Through these streets, every self-respecting tourist walks around the squares and parks, coming to the largest city in the USA. But to truly immerse yourself in the spirit of Freedom and the endless Possibilities of "New Amsterdam", you can only turn off the beaten tourist routes and look into places, which are not in guidebooks. A life hacker will help you with this - we go on a journey through the amazing corners of New York.


1. Observation towers Astro-View

А это узнаете? How so??! After all, these are the very flying saucers, hunted by Agent K and Agent J. It's just that the filmmakers decided, that the observation towers Astro-View, построенные в 1964 year on the occasion of the World's Fair, perfectly suited for the image of UFO take-off sites. In the mid-1960s from the towers, where visitors were taken by a special elevator, there was a beautiful view of Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Astro-View today - abandoned. You won't be able to climb up, and everything is overgrown around, Nevertheless, look at these works of futuristic art of the last century is.

Address: Flushing Meadows, Corona Park, Queens NY

Узнали? Right, this is one of the final scenes of the legendary "Men in Black".

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2. Park High Line

In the middle of the twentieth century, the High Line subway was opened in New York.. However, soon because of her work, environmental problems began in the city., therefore in 1980 year its operation was discontinued. The railroad workers intended to simply disassemble the rails., but a group of enthusiasts, who called themselves "Friends of the High Line", offered to turn this place into a park. Currently, the High Line is unique, high-tech city park, almost two and a half kilometers long, elevated 10 meters from the surface of the earth. На его реконструкцию было потрачено порядка $50 million. This is a real oasis of serenity in the middle of a huge metropolis: someone climbs the High Line, to play sports, someone - to read a book, and someone just take a break from the noise of the endless stream of people and cars.

Address: попасть в парк можно на одной из следующих улиц

  • 14th Street (elevator access)
  • West 16th Street (elevator access)
  • West 18th Street
  • West 20th Street
  • 23rd Street (elevator access)
  • West 26th Street
  • West 28th Street
  • West 30th Street (elevator access)

Opening hours: ежедневно с 7:00 to 23:00
Website: www.thehighline.org

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3. Aerial tram

New York is a city of small, interconnected islets. So, Manhattan and Roosevelt Island, what's in the east river, connects the Queensboro Bridge, next to which the legendary cable car passes, referred to by New Yorkers as "The Tram". Once upon a time, in the mid 1970s, she performed an important transport function, carrying hundreds of passengers daily. Three years ago, the cable car was completely modernized and today The Tram is a favorite entertainment of tourists.. The cabin of the air tram can accommodate 110 human (travel is available, including, for people with disabilities) and moves at a speed of about 30 km/h. Enjoy stunning views of the East Side and Midtown in three minutes. The Tram is considered public transport, therefore, you can pay for your trip using the unified Metro Card payment system.

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Address: 60th street и 2nd avenue
Opening hours: ежедневно с 6:00 morning until 2:30 nights
Viki: Roosevelt Island Cable Car

4. Barnes Bookstore&Noble

IN 1873 Charles Montgomery Barnes opened a bookstore. And in 1917 his son - William Barnes - expanded the family business, having bought part of the New York bookstore Noble&Noble. This is how the largest American book-selling company, Barnes, was born.&Noble. Today it is one of the world leaders in the industry, e-reader, самостоятельно издающий Books и ежегодно продающий тысячи их экземпляров. Barnes main store&Noble is located in New York. This is not just a second-hand bookstore - this is the two-story palace of Her Majesty Books. The furnishings are more reminiscent of a modern library., than a point of sale: huge shelving, stairs, to get to the upper tiers, and reading people. You heard right - you can take any book, sit on the floor and read. The only thing, what does Barnes give out&Noble shop, - this is what, that you can buy a lot of related products there (from bookmarks to flashlights for lovers of "night reading").

Address: 33 East 17th Street
Opening hours: ежедневно с 10:00 to 22:00
Website: www.barnesandnoble.com

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5. A place, where "Friends" lived

"Friends" - the cult TV series of the 1990s. Based on the funniest life of Rachel, Monica, Chandlera, Joey, Ross and Phoebe leaked in two adjacent apartments in a house on the corner of Grove and Bedford. These streets are in the famous Greenwich Village area of ​​New York.. Remarkably, that the shooting did not actually take place in this house (the sitcom was filmed in California), but the facade of the building, his windows and fire escape flashed so often on screens, that the status of the House of Friends is firmly entrenched in him. So there is not much to see inside the building., but it is definitely worth admiring from the outside.

Address: 90 Bedford St, Manhattan

A place, where "Friends" livedA place, where "Friends" lived

6. Unisphere fountain

Near Astro-View, in the same park, the world's largest globe is located (height - 50 m, diameter - almost 37) and also one of the most beautiful fountains - The Unisphere. It was also built specially for the World Fair. 1964-1965 yy. The topic of space was then extremely relevant, therefore the fountain is a model of the Earth, surrounded by 3 orbits, according to which Yuri Gagarin, John Glenn and the Telstar satellite circled our planet for the first time. After the close of The Unisphere, like the towers, has been in desolation for a long time, but in the early 1990s the fountain was laundered, repaired and put back into operation. As a result, now, illuminated by a thousand lights, the fountain is especially beautiful at night.

Address: 111th St., Queens, NEW

7. Bar "The IDES"

Rooftop bars are bars, located on rooftops. There is no shortage of such establishments in high-rise New York.. One of the most beautiful is located in the hotel "The wythe hotel". IDES bar is open to visitors 7 days a week, no dress code, and the terrace offers stunning views of Manhattan, but there is one "BUT" - photography is prohibited.

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Address: 80 Wythe Ave. at N. 11th Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Website: wythehotel.com

8. Museum mile

Like the English Royal Mile, New York has its own cultural center. With 82 on 105 the streets of the Upper East Side are stretched by the New York Museum Mile. This "conglomerate" of exhibition art includes 10 museums, including the Metropolitan Museum, National Academy of Design, International Center for Photography, Museum of New York and others. Besides, a festival of the same name is held annually on the Museum Mile: on this day, Fifth Avenue becomes partially pedestrianized, and all museums work for free.

Address: Fifth Avenue
Viki: Museum mile

Museum mileMuseum mile

9. Slum museum

This place is not included in the Museum Mile. This grim five-story building on the Lower East Side has been home to thousands of immigrants from dozens of countries for years.. People, who went to America in search of a better life, were forced to live in houses, подобных этому, where there was no running water, no normal ventilation, no electricity (of the amenities - only two toilets on each floor). Someone managed to make their American dream come true, and some died in the slums of the Lower East Side. Orchard Street Museum - History Comes to Life, reflecting the life of immigrants in 1869-1935 the years. The exhibition is open daily, in addition to the exposition of the museum itself, there are tours in the surrounding area.

Address: 97 Orchard Street

10. Key workshop

Фил Мортиралло (Phil Mortirallo) - New York locksmith, which has been over 40 yo makes keys. Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of keys. They are everywhere in this workshop: in the paintings, stands, even furniture is made of keys. But the most amazing thing is the facade of the building., decorated with many different keys. Greenwich workshop - perhaps, the world's only locksmith, which is more interesting to be in, than in some museums. And in many ways this is the merit of the owner - Phil was offered to sell this little house in Manhattan more than once., offered $1 million, but for him this is the work of his life, which he would like to pass on to children.

Address: 56 7th Ave S
Website: www.greenwichlocksmiths.com

11. New York by Gehry

New York by Gehry is the last project of the great master, the famous architect Frank Gehry, established the Seattle Museum of Music, famous Prague "Dancing House" and other unique buildings. New York by Gehry is designed in the style of the master: the facade of the building is made in the form of curved lines, resembling sea waves.

Besides, New York by Gehry - highest (265 m, 76 floors) residential skyscraper not only in New York, but the whole of America. Why in 2011 year was named "Skyscraper of the Year". The building houses 903 luxury apartments (rental price from $3 000 to $15 000 per month). However, the skyscraper is occupied not only by apartments - the first five floors are given to the municipal primary school, Besides, the building has an indoor pool, тренажерный зал, library and media center.

Address: 8 Spruce St
A site with an amazing video presentation: www.newyorkbygehry.com

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12. Shop B&H

Supermarket B&H is an IT paradise, photographers, musicians and other tech enthusiasts. Everything is sold there - from simple headphones to the coolest gadgets.. This "Mecca of electronics" is located in one of the famous districts of New York, once criminal, and now a cultural center called "Hell's Kitchen". Owner B&H - Hermann Schreiber (By the way, do not be surprised by the work schedule (the store is closed on Saturdays and during Jewish holidays) and the appearance of the sellers) founded a business in the distant 1970 year. And today the store serves about 5 000 visitors per day, в его штате более 1500 сотрудников и даже сооснователь Google Сергей Брин называет B&H your favorite photo shop- and video technicians.

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Address: 420 9th Ave. at 34th St.
Opening hours: понедельник-четверг – с 9:00 to 18:00, Friday - from 9:00 to 13:00, Sunday - from 10:00 to 17:00
Virtual tour of the store

13. Personal Bench in Central Park

Central Park in New York is not only one of the most popular places in the city, but also in the world. It is visited annually by about 25 millions of people, each of which can purchase a personalized bench in the park. The Commemorative Bench Plaque Program operates in Central Park since 1986 of the year. To date, more than 2 000 tablets of completely different content - declarations of love, congratulations, marriage proposals, jokes, etc. and so on. Cost of one plate $7 500. But, Believe it, эффект, which she can produce (for example, on a girl during a romantic walk) стоит того.

Address: Manhattan, between 59th and 110th Street and Fifth and Eighth Avenue
Website: www.centralparknyc.org

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14. 5 Points

IN 1993 Pat Dellilo (Pat DiLillo) found an abandoned Phun Phactory on Long Island and decided, that it's a great place for street artists to express themselves. He couldn't even think, what is this playground, получившая название 5 Points, will become the world's largest graffiti center. 19 000 sq.m. street art. Writers and bombers from all over the world dream of being there. Still, after all, on the walls 5 Pointz made graffiti legends like Cope2, Indie, Kaws and others. The center is currently experiencing some difficulties. So, in 2009 due to the threat of collapse, one of the largest buildings was closed to the public. Nevertheless, this is a truly iconic spray art place.

Address: 45-46 Davis Street, Long Island City
Working hours: четверг – закрыто.
Website: 5ptz.com

15. Lenin monument

There is a monument to Ilyich in almost every Russian city. But where would the world leader of the proletariat come from in the world capital of capitalism?? Nevertheless, the recognizable bald monument is successfully located almost in the very heart of New York (Houston street, between avenues A and B, underground: E Houston St – 2 Av и Essex St – Delancey St Station).

Grandfather Lenin is standing on the roof of one of the prestigious New York residential complexes with the symbolic name "Red Square". Building owners Michael Rosen and Michael Schole are so imbued with the idea of ​​socialism, what in 1994 acquired a monument by the sculptor Yuri Gerasimov, brought it to America and wanted to install it in one of the squares of Manhattan. But the authorities (for some reason ...) opposed - Rosen and Shole had to hoist Lenin on the "Red Square". So the leader stands on the roof, pointing with the right hand the way to the "bright future" - on Wall Street.

Address: Manhattan, Houston Street, 244

New York leaves no one indifferent. He is either selflessly loved (city ​​of thousands of opportunities and big money) either hate fiercely (болото, sucking in forever and taking away all strength, city ​​of eternal loneliness). И как видите, "Big Apple" is still fraught with many secrets and amazing discoveries.

What place in New York impressed you the most?

Original: http://ochkarik.lifehacker.ru/2013/08/14/eto-nado-videt-sekretnye-mesta-nyu-jorka-kotorye-vy-ne-najdete-v-tipichnom-putevoditele/

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