What's better, foam or house?

What's better, foam or house
Let's think about it together
Then, god forbid, all our thoughts
Disappear in the blue sky….
              \ BUT. Gunitsky \

Interesting, why people argue and try to prove to the whole world that, for example, investments are much more profitable than speculation or vice versa. That options trading brings more income than the underlying asset, intraday is cooler than positional trading? And vice versa.  Or that the market will go up today, not down, and there is an opportunity to get rich if you play long.

To show others the right path, care about their neighbors? Or, vice versa, trying to justify their insecurity and the more people go over to their side, the more confidence will come?

If this is the first option, it turns out that they increase their competition. When you're alone at the trough, you get everything, and when, as a result of agitation in the correctness of your feeder, others wishing to feed will arrive, feed per feeding unit will be significantly less. It turns out that they are digging a hole for themselves.

According to the logic of competition, and financial markets are competition, it would be necessary to act the other way around — point the wrong way, since the more losers there are, the more jackpot the winner will get.

Here I am, for example, I am writing stories to everyone here about how I successfully trade on daily charts already 9 years in a row without knowing the unprofitable year, and he secretly programmed a bunch of robots selling HFT on ticks in the clouds" and treacherously take money from traders, who believed in the profitability of the day…… :) Шутка :) But in every joke, as everyone knows, there is some truth :)

  strategy price action
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