What will happen to American tech companies under Trump?

US President-elect Donald Trump can hardly be called technically advanced. He does not use mail, according to his campaign speeches, then he doesn't even have a mobile phone. From a speech on CNN it follows, that he personally does not write posts on Twitter, dictating the text “one of the adorable young assistants”. But, in spite of this, his decisions can somehow change the life of tech companies, and consequently, and all those, who uses the services, services and products of these companies.

The development of the high-tech in the pre-election speeches was touched upon very little, but the Republican touched on some topics from time to time, thanks to which we can assume, what awaits the American high-tech sector under Trump.

Trump and Apple

In his election campaign, Trump spoke many times about, that modern technologies have gotten out of state control. Одной из острейших тем во время выборов стала ситуация вокруг Apple и отказа компании предоставить ФБР инструменты доступа к заблокированному телефону стрелка из Сан-Бернадино.

Trump urged to boycott Apple products, and if he becomes the president of the United States, promised to put Tim Cook in his place. It got to that, that the most apolitical Tim Cook even criticized Trump in one of his interviews, and Apple has publicly refused to sponsor the Republican campaign, for the first time in its history, sided exclusively with the Democrats.

Known, that the vast majority of their Apple devices (like a number of other companies) collects in China. Trump promised his voters new jobs, including by forcing large companies to transfer production from China to the USA. If such a scenario develops in reality, Apple will face huge spending on creating infrastructure for the production of technology in the United States.. Probably, this will also affect the cost of the final product. Even with a solid cache, the decision to curtail assembly lines in the Middle Kingdom will result in costs, significant even for the richest high-tech company in the world.

Trump and Amazon

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is in trouble. Big problems. And this is not an assumption. Trump had previously warned about this in plain text.. In his opinion, Amazon платит заниженные taxes и не подвергается преследованиям антимонопольных органов, as the founder and CEO of the company is also the owner of the print edition of The Washington Post.

According to Trump, Bezos uses the influence of the newspaper, bought by him in 2013 G. behind $250 million, to protect Amazon from any encroachment, as well as conduct information campaigns.

Apparently, Trump's threats against the head of Amazon are caused by, that during the election race The Washington Post published materials, disadvantaging the future president. Trump believes, that in this way Bezos reduced his chances of winning.

Trump's victory led to a drop in Amazon stock by 2,6% per night.

Trump and the hackers

Many questions, among other things, arose in society in connection with the, how Trump will respond to the growing number of cyberattacks. Among the countries, where do hacker attacks come from, the media call Russia and China.

Mr. Trump himself said the following about this in September: “This is a huge problem. My son 10 years, and he is a very active computer user. Security – extremely difficult and even difficult task. But we have so many things, which we should do better. AND, certainly, cybersecurity is one of them”.

This statement was later ridiculed by a number of media outlets., describing the statement in the debate as “loosely connected words, spoken by your technically illiterate grandfather”. Unfortunately, nor Clinton, neither Trump delved into cybersecurity or other technology issues at all, to give an idea of ​​how, how will they solve these problems, if they take a seat in the White House. Trump just said, what states should be “very tough in the fight against cybercrime” and the government needs to work more closely with tech companies, to prevent ISIS from recruiting and managing agents.

So far, statements by the President-elect of the United States suggest that, that the new role of the United States in cyber warfare could be more aggressive. “As a deterrent against attacks on our critical resources, the United States must have the capability and use it to retaliate with paralyzing counterattacks.. And I mean really paralyzing”, – Republican said. Trump also drew attention to the fact, what “cybersecurity is not limited to the development of only defensive technologies and includes the development of offensive technologies”.

Trump and “Green” companies

Donald Trump's victory sparks concern among many participants in the international climate conference, taking place in Marrakech. During the election campaign, Trump called the problem of global warming “hoax” and threatened to break the recently signed Paris climate agreement.

Known, that Trump does not believe in climate warming and calls this phenomenon “Invention”. “The concept of global warming is created by the Chinese and for the Chinese, to make American production uncompetitive”, - claimed the presidential candidate.

That's why, if renewable energy was previously considered an important industry, and companies, somehow exploited “Green” technologies, received subsidies and economic preferences, now the support of such companies, like Tesla Motors, может прекратиться.

In particular, tax incentives for consumers on the purchase of Elon Musk's electric cars may be canceled. And that means, what's the price tag on the Tesla Model 3 rise from $27 500 to $35 thousand.

A range of solar energy companies, including Elon Musk's SolarCity, will also suffer losses, если их клиенты не получат государственные льготы на покупку электроэнергии.

Trump and space

Analysts don't predict accurately, how the future of NASA will turn out under Trump. The newly elected president said little about his plans for the space industry throughout his campaign.. However, Republican consultants hinted, that the deep space exploration program will develop, а вот исследования Земли и климата будут финансироваться в меньшей степени.
“NASA should focus more on deep space exploration, rather than on Earth exploration, what other agencies are doing well”, - explained Robert Walker, one of Trump's advisers.
According to the program, outlined by Walker, Trump administration will re-establish National Space Council, disbanded by Bill Clinton, which will be chaired by Vice President Michael Pence and who will coordinate all US space projects.
The main goal of all these projects will be, according to Trump's advisor, “human exploration of the entire solar system by the end of the century”, and the first step for their implementation will be the creation of technologies for a manned flight to Mars. Besides, Walker did not rule out the likelihood of NASA return to the moon, what he personally thinks “Vital” for the development of the US space industry and the beginning of a flight to Mars.

Accordingly, the NASA budget will be restructured in this way, that priority funding will receive projects, related to the study of deep space, not with climate research and Earth remote sensing.
More: http://www.vestifinance.ru/articles/77437

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