Self-harm in trading

Hello, friends!

A post of a girl appeared on the smartlab, which, due to generally small losses, made himself such an execution: look


It wasn't this fact that struck me in the first place.. Many traders come up with punishments after draining.. During my trading, I have heard about that, that someone has stuck a knife in their hand or has been sitting for a week without food, or banging your head against the wall.

Struck by the cruelty of the people. I consider myself generally rude, tough man, no claim to misanthropy. But I mostly consider those around me to be normal guys., Contact, kind and without frustrated desires and feelings.

But as it turned out, it was these lovely guys who showed the most callousness to a person. Labeled it a ponto cutter, seeking cheap popularity, fools, psychopaths, etc.. In the comments, you can read again…

It makes me so sad, how much can anything sadden a Zen panda.

Although maybe, they just do not understand the person's feelings and the essence of the problem, since we have not encountered anything like this in our own experience.

Now to the situation.

All psychologists know, that a person is two parts: light and dark (or yin-yang in eastern tradition). Light — this is the obvious side, mind-controlled. Logic, mind, thinking. Shadow — subconsciousness and genes, metabolism, hormonal background and all that, what is deliberately not controlled and given to us by Mother Nature.

One problem for traders is, that they are trying to create a certain image from the side of their light side. And this pattern comes into conflict with the dark. When this conflict happens, then from the side of logic and reason, solutions to problems are sought. But they are not aimed at deep processes and the search for a compromise., but to eliminate manifestations. That is, in fact, the symptoms are treated, while the disease remains. Mostly traders are visited by the most primitive insider and they suddenly decide, what they just need «always put a stop», «learn to hold the position until the end», «observe MM», «trade on the system» And others.

  Glory to Ukraine!

This is nothing. Will not work!

Another problem — many traders have no image at all, what they should be. They have no specific goals., planned steps to complete tasks. No numbers and specifics. It resembles the state of a drunk person., which was spun up and thrown into the abyss. He doesn't understand where is the top, where through, where to float and suffocate.

Basically, most traders express their goals like this: «become independent», «stop working for uncle», «live on trading income».

It won't work! Cut off your fingers! Will not help!!!

What does it mean to fight with your subconscious? You don't even see the enemy. Why did you decide, that you can point and control him?

Moreover, as a result of these executions, it is not the subconscious who suffers., it does not affect him, up to his ass, what does a person do with their outer body. Man just spreads rot on himself, raises complexes and self-doubt, aggression and negativity. And his shadow remains invulnerable and looks at all this calmly. As a result, a person can simply commit suicide and go to the second round to work out the experience.. Second time to the same class.

Which exit?

1. First, understand, that a person is a certain element. And there is no way to change or control this element. I wrote a little about this in the article «lizard consciousness«.

2. This element needs to be identified and understood, accept her with gratitude and make her an ally. Don't fight her!

3. Stop looking for profitable trading systems and gurus, who distribute them. Use your strengths and trade like this, to neutralize weaknesses with strengths.

  Options are losing this year.

4. Comfort! This feeling will tell you, that you are on the right track. The discomfort — pointing to the wrong search direction.

5. Love yourself and love others. You are not guilty of anything! What is the fault of the white hare, which looks like a bright cotton ball on a black field as a result of global warming? It fell to him to contribute his experience to the evolutionary process and pass on a new paradigm to future generations. — «white is no longer so relevant, correction required». But first he must survive!

I want to, so that there are more happy and kind people among traders. For the people to stop writing about their suffering, Debt, despair.

Peace — not hell by default. We make something out of it ourselves, what we want. Or that, what our subconscious mind needs to get the necessary experience.

God bless you all, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

My world
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