Chicago Trade Journal 2009-11-01 19:04:49

Just like life
"Наш бизнес, like life itself, not black and white. I guess, we all know¬eat it, Nevertheless, since we—traders, we want abs so badly¬lute, that we absolutely forget to think. It's just like math. Mathematics— this is absolute, but, when applied to the imperfect world of stocks and commodities, it becomes an instrument again, which just gives more clarity and definition to imperfection. You are welcome, never forget, what speculation—it is primarily a thinking business. If you are not very good at thinking, or, at least, find the rule¬new answers, then if I were you I would pull off the freeway.
The problem starts with the desire or hope to find some kind of all-encompassing automatic / systematic approach to trading…"

Reading Williams on Sunday ... not the best thing to do, but already tired of listening / talking about flu and quarantine

I also deal with thinkorswim, due to access to options, very passable thing!
Analyzing the bidding for the aluminum giant Alcoa, whose stocks are also very sensitive to daily congestions:

8/10 there was an abnormal surge of volume into the market at the top of the trend, imagine ourselves in the image of an eminent analyst with a good salary and suppose a correction, such a small, timid:

Daily volumes are located on the left, and highlighted in red(the filter contains the value- 700000 Shares, usually in the day around 5 prices, with volumes exceeding this)

Salary worked out, you can buy many gifts for your family for Christmas!

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