Target: compensation for losses of investors +10% to 01.12.2014

Hello, friends!

Coming out of gold last week I lost my longs, open by 1318 dollars and missed the movement in 27 Dollars, which would double the funds. Thursday, when i saw, that my prediction was confirmed, I recovered long positions in precious metals, but the train left. We entered the saw again. However, I would like to talk about something else now.

I lost focus and forgot my goals. This is the reason for the failures of recent weeks.. Concentration and composure, inherent in me at the beginning of my life pamma, когда на протяжении 6 weeks I very diligently adhered to my trading plan and showed an average +13% in Week, gone somewhere. I'm tired, distracted by trouble, fell on us and missed the steering wheel of his ship.

I am very grateful to all investors for their trust and patience.. I love and appreciate you all. It's my fault, Sorry. But apologizing for your actions, I'm in no way going to feed on guilt feelings for the rest of my life. And I want to say the following:

To 1 December 2014 year, all PAMM account investors will receive their funds in full +10% above. Besides, I undertake to compensate the losses of all investors, ever worked with.

I cannot accomplish this goal alone.. I understand it clearly. If all investors ignore me, then there will be nothing to compensate for the losses. Therefore, synergy is important for the successful solution of the task. 3 elements:

1. My successful trading. Back to my original strategy, which was used in the first 6 weeks. Еще раз скажу — it was not the system that broke. It was me who broke. All unprofitable weeks were profitable. From +10 to +50%, but I was the one who forgot to be careful, about a leisurely movement forward, on the safety of investors' funds. It is from this that item 2 follows..

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2. The presence of a mentor. Some time ago I was looking for a trading partner, who would help in work. However did not find. Сейчас я бы был благодарен крупному инвестору за помощь и education психологии инвестирования с точки зрения самих инвесторов. I didn’t earn millions of dollars by my work and don’t look at the process of investing in PAMM through your eyes.. For me the market — это спекуляция. In turn, I offer my experience of speculation, individual conditions and access to the trader's account on this PAMM to control risks within the pre-agreed MM.

3. Investment inflow. FX Trend has done an excellent job in the field of pamm investment and I am grateful for this opportunity to work here with investors. This is a great playground, even though she is very strict about managerial mistakes. It motivates. To fully compensate for the losses of investors, an inflow of investments is needed for stable trading. Even if the above two points are met, but there will be no investment, nothing will work.

But I believe in the result. These three pillars of success will be met. And you and I will remember troubles with a smile. In the meantime, I need to tune in to serious work..
(in the photo: A rapid storm engulfs the rock of Pedra da Gavea, and it seems, as if Cayo Afeto is walking on the clouds. A professional tightrope walker finds himself between two mountains, towering over Rio de Janeiro, when the incoming breeze enveloped the 850-meter summit in fog. A source:
so, friends.

All my investors — send nickname and the amount of losses to admin (dog)

If someone can mentor me in investment psychology, finance a project with full control over the actions of the trader — write to the same address. Possible personal meeting in Minsk.

There is one more thing. A lot of people come to my blog, who do not succeed in trading. Many are already blown away, never reaching a stable result, having lost faith in their strengths and markets, having lost money, faith, надежду.

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I will fulfill the goal set in this post and describe my observations honestly and clearly., and then I will publish a book. So that everyone, reading my mind, I was able to change my life for the better. So that everyone can regain faith in themselves and restore the temporarily lost sense of joy and hope.

The next week is non-trading. I will process your letters.

May God grant you health, friends!

My world
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