Life of a stock speculator.

Haven't posted something like this for a long time. It is necessary to correct this oversight.

All in all, it was like this — woke up to the sound of a smartphone alarm in 8:00 by Moscow time. I went down to the first floor where my workshop is located. Brewed a bag of green tea and while the computer was booting and the end-of-day data for the last day was downloaded, drank it with a little bun. After that, I began to place orders for the current day and along the way, while scanning different systems, looked through the news in Yandex, fountain, facebook, ЖЖ, smartlab, etc.

About 10 o'clock in the morning orders were placed. После этого стал не спеша тестировать некоторые варианты опционных стратегий в бэктестере торгового терминала Thinkorswim. Then I checked out a couple of ideas for stocks in WealthLab. About 11 in the morning my wife went downstairs and made me pancakes for breakfast.

After breakfast I read a little Silantyev's book on options. He then improvised on synthesizers. Sometimes I play with headphones, and when no one is at home, I turn on the sound through the karaoke center quite loudly:

After that I played guitar too.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon I decided to go for a run in the park. I ran about eight kilometers, along the way, having hatched several Pokemon from five-kilometer eggs, since there was a smartphone in my pocket with the Pokémon Go game turned on.

Came all wet, took a shower. The wife went to the store and said to warm up the soup himself. But I was too lazy to warm it up and I waited a couple of hours for my wife to come back and warm up my soup. Having lunch, drank a cup of coffee and went to walk barefoot on the balcony in the snow. After that I remembered that I had not taken a sauna for a long time.. & quot; Protopil" a sauna. The maximum temperature to which it warms up is approximately 90 Degrees, according to the thermometer, hanging on the wall. Never warmed up again. I read on the Internet that before 110 degrees you can still sit, but, apparently, it's not meant to be. Although at 90 degrees are quite hot and the sweat is flowing in a stream. Usually I am there for half an hour the first time, then after a short break another twenty minutes and the last time another fifteen minutes. I don't look at my watch, I go out on sensations, but almost always the intervals are like this.

  On the question of the insolvency of premises, which many do subconsciously :)

In between being in the sauna, I go out onto the balcony and walk barefoot in the snow for a couple of minutes.

After taking a sauna, I drank a bottle of Narzan mineral water." and remembered that the American session had already begun. I went to the workshop to write down which positions were closed and with what result. Along the way, I read various news, forums, social networks. I came across a mention of the group Russians and thought that it would be nice to remake some of their songs in jazz arrangement, since I have not processed anything for a long time and therefore there was a need. I searched for their songs on the Internet, began to listen and froze for almost an hour.

Then my wife urgently called to watch TV show `` Let's get married '', because, in her opinion, the program was very funny and I have to watch it. I also cooked fried potatoes with sausages for dinner. And so I ate dinner and looked `` funny" transmission.

The tree has already been dressed up:

Now I sit in a workshop and write in LJ.
Closer to midnight, probably, I will gnaw white (turkish) sunflower seeds and watch TV — some propaganda program where everyone shouts and does not allow the other to speak — sometimes it's pretty funny to see.

Such a day.

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