The bulls were spared

Returning to the topic of why I did this and that and so on and all kinds of comments, etc.,  I would like to point out the following. SEC Spares Bulls Goldman Announced Friday During Business Hours , not on weekends. That's why 20 -25 , maybe more, drop points would be one GEP and all your( nerds, pigs, who are greedy and trendy) trailing stops would hit the pipe. This applies to both futures , and shares. For example, this is equivalent to before 10 rubles to GP or 5+ in Sberbank and so on. Hedging is better in such cases.
Just don't think, that there is emotion in this post, I just simply want, so as not to forget about it.
And there may be many more surprises in the process of stabilizing the global economy. As a matter of fact, it's even a mosquito bite for bulls, it could be worse.
Good luck.

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