Intuit everyday life.

For [info]crazy_trade
…100% per month, this is reality… and even 200…

Archimedes was overwhelmed by the joy of unexpected discovery, and he screaming “Эврика!”, rushed out naked into the street.

I will summarize the intermediate result of three-week testing. As I already wrote, there was a certain approach, in most cases giving profit, but sometimes not giving. Besides, the criteria for taking profit or loss were not clear. It was necessary to make the most efficient working system. Losses in the market strongly stimulate this. In theory and ex post facto, the chart worked well., Besides, давно, in several other market conditions it worked fine. I was interested in signals on hourly timeframes.
I described the problems in the previous post..

For testing, we monitored 10 currency pairs, gold, silver
Today we have such a picture.

Now there is one unclosed unprofitable position in the minus area 2-3%. The conditions for passing the point of no return have not yet triggered, but limited by stop loss, just in case.

The maximum drawdown of the deposit was 27%. Количество убыточных сделок 17%. Increase position size, with the growth of the deposit, not carried out. The deals were either covered completely, either half, with the transfer of the balance to breakeven.

First third of the graph – the system is still damp – trying to take all the signals, regardless of the picture of the graphs. Experiments with stops and transfers to breakeven. Hit on the raskolbas, with carry-overs thereof. Further, discarding unnecessary signals, feet – mental (ie. position is covered manually, upon the occurrence of certain market conditions). The third part – interesting too. Something has come “decay” Equity. What was connected with? Signal is triggered – I come in – the price goes my way, but does not reach the goal, turns against the position, but the point of no return does not pass – transferring TP to breakeven – closes in plus. Вобщем-то, it was this series that prompted a solution. Then I will try a proportional increase in the lot and the magic power of compound interest.

  About paid education from dubious individuals.
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