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Impressive home office with 40 monitors (10 photo)

What does a person do, having a need for a home office and having a lot of money at the same time? He buys 40 monitors and creates something unimaginable at home. His workplace consists of 40 24-inch panoramic monitors (although it was originally planned 60 (!) and six computers, each of which runs on an i7 processor 975, and has 24 GB DDR, two SLC SSDs in raid configuration 0 and Nvidia NVS graphics cards 420 and Nvidia 9800 GT. If you are also interested in the question, what does the owner of this home office do, then he is engaged in trading.

Goals for March

The main tasks that I set myself for March : Close month in plus (granted ) Use the maximum of your opportunities Collect the maximum position in the stock if possible, in 3 приема. Как это сделать я писал тут Минимизироваться риск и увеличить отдачу Соблюдать свои правила Риск в позициях не должен быть больше 10С Брать лучшие цены из возможных

RUNET BLOG 2010 – NOMINANT “Business blog”

My blog takes part in the Competition "BLOG RUNET 2010" in the category Business blog. Of course I don't expect to win, but I would like to get into the nominees. Take 20 s of your time and vote for me. Click on the picture and proceed to voting.

We are together again

I want to please my readers, that the relationship with the girl improved and we are together again. Я ее очень люблю и теперь жизнь действительно – WONDERFUL !!! P.S. Do you think it's worth writing such posts about relationships? ??? It seems to me that they have a very emotional effect on trading and success.. At least you will know what is the reason for the leaks…

New Website Design

Happened, then what have you been waiting for – CHANGE SITE DESIGN !!! Теперь можно без труда часами читать мой блог и не беспокоится за свои глаза, of course, I left the option of choosing the previous design to whoever likes it. There are still a couple of touches left to customize in the design., but you can already read and promote. Waiting for feedback on the new website design, AS YOU HE ???

I thought I'd catch a moose, and no…

Fortunately, the trading day ended with a plus, at least some kind of joy for today. Plus I found an awesome template for the site and will customize it in the coming days. So wait, everything will be awesome =)

It hurts a lot when you break up with a loved one.…

Strange, you seem to be trying to make a person happy, you take care of him and help, and he leaves you out of the blue. If you love a person, you can go through a lot and solve any problems together., hard times are, but everything can be solved. Of course I'm not perfect, but nobody is perfect, but i'm changing and trying to be better at everything. Apparently I don't understand a lot…

My thoughts, ideas and notes in the first year of trading on the NYSE

Maybe someone will be interested in reading my thoughts, ideas and notes when I first started trading on the NYSE. I wrote down notes and rules for myself and re-read them before. Read the rules every day EVERY DAY, WEEK, MONTH NET-ohm in positive territory close, Analyze yesterday's trades always Trade with 10 10 To search for and enter the current in the best options, it is imperative to use a protective stop to cut losses and give profits to grow. Increase position in the course of movement on pullbacks Trade with the trend

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