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Thoughts on 14 May 2010

The previous month was the largest in terms of stock volume., but by the middle of this month exceeded the volume of that month Got used to a large position and because of this relaxed, old problems are back. Less began to think about deals What would make better days , enough to make 2 transactions at 50C For the last 2 made a bunch of mistakes, I don't trade tomorrow, I understand mistakes. I will write a post about what is wrong Now every day I will analyze the deals of the previous day and post them The season of company reports is over, the market abruptly subsided. I'm waiting for the connection of NASDAQ charts To stick to the rule ” If 3 deals in the negative – resting ” . I will write down the result on paper and how I see 3 negative I do not open new deals.

Readers' letters

Almost every day I receive letters from my new readers with praise and questions., which makes me very happy and see a constant increase in my audience. Of course I answer everyone their question, but I would like to write to the NYSE Traders Forum,NASDAQ , AMEX because. many will see the answer to your question and perhaps find the answer for themselves. Here is one of the usual letters : Cool blog!!! It's a pity that I didn't find it before. You, one might say, opened my eyes. I was already disappointed in trading, how did your notes help in time?, especially about trading after 1 o'clock. Probably because I'm too young, and emotional, “flew in” in the deal in the first minutes and me strongly “there were”. All the same, it is better to study first. And if you can, you can tell newbies to focus on one stock or a few. I read somewhere that it's better to be “narrow-profile” trader. Can you share your opinion. Alex: If you read my Rules for Trading in the First Month on the NYSE , then I already mentioned, that in the first hour I do not advise beginners to trade. Also, in the beginning, you need to learn how to make the right deals and better concentrate on one deal., and then go to several open positions.

Traders and Analysts

How many times I do not read various blogs and trading sites, I never could understand why so many people read analysts, and reads useful and practical advice from traders at least in 10 times fewer people. Why read where the market closed yesterday and an explanation on it, is it really so hard to read the news and draw conclusions yourself. It's funny to read the lines how the market fell and the stock flew like a stone down, хотя закрылся -0.5% and nothing really went, and they paint as if there was a blockage. Why do you read analysts , not traders ???

Nasdaq cancels trades for 6 May 2010

Nasdaq announced last night, that all bidding, taken between 14.40 And 15.00, “which passed for the amounts, on 60% more or less than the value of the financial instrument by 14.40”, will be considered invalid. “The decision cannot be appealed”, – stated in Nasdaq. The NYSE Arca will do the same.. List of shares below :

Due to an unknown error, the US market for 15 more minutes lost $1 trillion

Wall Street trading yesterday, undoubtedly, will be included in history textbooks under the title of the next “black thursday”: in a few minutes, the Dow Jones fell by almost 1000 points, index S&P 500 lost immediately 8,6%, the newspaper writes “Vedomosti”. According to Wilshire International, doing statistics on Wall Street, behind 15 minutes the market lost more than 1 trillion dollars. “It was the largest drop in the Dow Jones industrial average in its history.”, – notes CNN Money website. News, concerning Greece and the passivity of the ECB, have already been won back by the market to 14.42 local time in the USA, when the index suddenly peaked. TO 14.47 Dow Jones Industrial Average fell to the level of 10 000 points, having lost 998,5 item. Prior to that, the most significant drop in a day in the history of the index was 29 September 2008 of the year, when the Dow Jones flopped on 777,68 item.

Day trading for 19 Martha

There was a blockage of the market and stocks just fell like a stone. ACI : Arch Coal CXO : Concho Resources

Always know your goal exactly

I like to read books very much, but most of what I read is not fiction, and business and psychology. There it is always written everywhere, what you exactly should mean your goal and it should be real, as soon as you put it you go to her on a subconscious level. This applies not only to trading., but also to life goals. You will never achieve them in a couple of days and easily, most likely you will need to spend a lot of time and effort to achieve. When I first came to the firm, on my first trading day, I wrote a plan for the year. How much do I want to earn in a year, month, week and day. Of course they were very optimistic and in general it was too early to think that they would come true soon. Like everyone else, I had to work very hard, bump into new mistakes and your own cockroaches every day.

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