Day trading for 14 October
BMC : BMC Software FMX : Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB JOE : The St. Joe Company
BMC : BMC Software FMX : Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB JOE : The St. Joe Company
Lately, there are no positive days at all, if they are small. The same errors appeared, which need to be eliminated as soon as possible. I might lose confidence and start making stupid deals.. I don't trade in the first hour (1000 I wrote once and still, like a fool, I do not observe) I temporarily reduce the position to 200 акций Ограничиваю количество сделок До обеда максимум 5 transactions and after 5 Risk 10 центов или не открываю сделку Фиксирую прибыль +50 центов или при достижении первой цели Стоп в плюс перевожу когда делаю больше 20 центов Надо собраться и перестать страдать ерундой. Плохие времена бывают у всех, just don't bury yourself.
To organize the next seminars online (video conferencing) you need a service or program that can fulfill the following conditions : Показ удаленного рабочего стола Чат Передача речи говорящего Возможность участия в видеоконференции большого количества участников (10-100) Video conference recording Interested in paid and free programs or services.
Просьба написать все информационные ресурсы которые вы читаете по трейдингу. Blogs Internet – sites Newspapers TV programs Radio, etc. The more different and interesting resources you write, the better, from RBC programs to your friend's small blog. Take 5 minutes, very necessary :) P.S. Soon there will be a lot of interesting and unexpected things
Beginning of c 13 : 00 in Moscow, you can read more about the seminar here : /vtoroj-besplatnyj-internet-seminar / Please sign up everyone who wants to listen to our joint seminar and receive information about the future here : /seminar / Link to seminar :
This Friday 08.10.2010 in 13:00 Moscow time will host the Second free Internet seminar on trading on the US stock exchange – NYSE News will be together with another 1 trader Anatoly Radchenko is a well-known trader among profitable traders. Anatoliy Radchenko : Started trading in 2005 year in the office where I trade now. Success quickly, one of the very first who started trading with a plus, after a couple of months only. Began teaching newcomers in our company and conducting lectures on trade. Two years ago he left our firm with the aim of founding his own Prop-Firm and recruiting professional traders into it. Now his firm is successfully trading in a small team of gifted traders. Has many years of trading experience and extensive knowledge. You can still write a lot of good things about him, but it is better to ask him yourself at the seminar Please sign up everyone who wants to listen to our joint seminar and receive information about future ones here : /seminar/ A link to the seminar will appear soon : — >> <<—-
The main problem preventing trading – “Studies” eliminated and you can start improving it. Lately she wished for the best, it takes a week to recover to the previous level, maybe two. Reduce the position size to 500 shares Limit 150-200 dollars per day 4-6 trades maximum Stop no more 10 cents Only trends with good potential On Friday there will be a free seminar on the Internet with another good trader, details will be tomorrow. approximate time 13:00 in Moscow
Next week it is planned to hold a second seminar in conjunction with another 1 trader NYSE, internship around 5 years, a former trader at the firm I work for. Его интересно послушать даже трейдерам с опытом. He has his own trading strategy, which is different from mine. Write the topics that interest you, what would you like to hear. Maybe someone is interested in trading during the reporting season or some other techniques. The more people there will be, the more we want to tell you interesting information and answer questions. Recording of the first seminar : /pervyj-seminar-good_trade/
When I often feel bad, it's always a signal for me, that it's time to move on. People have been trying to understand for years, why do they suck, adapt to it. I'm just moving on. And - passes. By kitchen philosophy, running away, you don't solve problems, you need to learn to experience this state - when you suck. I do not think so. Life is a rather dynamic process, rather than static, And, when you stop changing, you die. So I don't run, i move on. © Irwin Welsh