
Daytrading on the US Stock Exchange ( NYSE ) | Intraday trading Day trading

Trading in the financial market within one trading session during the day. It means, that the trading positions opened on this day are not carried over through the night to the next day and to the next trading session.

Traders and Analysts

How many times I do not read various blogs and trading sites, I never could understand why so many people read analysts, and reads useful and practical advice from traders at least in 10 times fewer people. Why read where the market closed yesterday and an explanation on it, is it really so hard to read the news and draw conclusions yourself. It's funny to read the lines how the market fell and the stock flew like a stone down, хотя закрылся -0.5% and nothing really went, and they paint as if there was a blockage. Why do you read analysts , not traders ???

Day trading for 19 Martha

There was a blockage of the market and stocks just fell like a stone. ACI : Arch Coal CXO : Concho Resources

Results of the past week 22.03 – 26.03

The week was not very good for me, to put it mildly. Of four trading days, 3 in the red. Didn't understand the market at all and traded in the first hour, what violates the rules of my trading strategy. The month remained in a symbolic plus and it is necessary to fix it. We will try harder and work on ourselves.

Day trading for 8-9 Martha

8 march just lost money out of the blue, did not feel very well and started trading from the very opening, what is contrary to my trading style, but 9 march beat off everything and made on top of the money. GES : Guess Would be a good deal, if not this fall. SID : National Steel Company (ADR)

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