Free August courses from coursera


Fundamentals of corporate finance (Fundamentals of Corporate Finance)

The course is dedicated to the methodology of company analysis, new for Russian practice, focused on the task of maximizing its fundamental value. It is based on the concepts of modern financial theory and goes far beyond the interpretation of the company's financial statements.. Applying the principles of universal financial theory, we, Nevertheless, reflect the specifics of the Russian capital market, which belongs to the group of emerging markets. The course is based on the study of public companies, however, its concepts are applicable to companies of any organizational and legal form.

Financial Markets and Institutions

This course examines the main issues of the functioning of financial markets., activities of financial institutions, financial instruments are being studied, that a person has to face in his life. Besides, reveals the basic principles of investing free funds in the financial market, fundamentals of financial calculations. Currently, the financial market is actively used by companies, regions and the state to attract financial resources, ensuring the implementation of investment projects. However, the financial market is in demand not only on the part of financial institutions, but also private investors, who use it to place temporarily free funds in order to generate income on invested capital. Studying the course will allow the student to better navigate in the modern financial world, understand the causes of financial crises, the role of globalization and securitization of financial markets, financial engineering capabilities.

Financial Markets

Professor Robert Schiller, 2013 Nobel laureate in economics, explores the topic of financial markets

Еще больше курсов можно посмотреть here And here

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