Free medicine

Original taken from antardhan in Free medicine

Healthy lifestyle and disease prevention (a few tips from Tibetan medicine)

According to Indian government statistics, 60 percent of the Indian population have never consulted a doctor in their life and only solve their emerging health problems “free medicine” - that is, those, what naturally exists in nature: clay, water, plants, warm and cold, Oil, salt, etc.. Spending a long time in a village in northern India, I am amazed at their simple and effective methods and knowledge. Ayurvedic methods look extremely simple.. But this simplicity is not based on groundless superstitions and dogmas., and on the fundamental knowledge of the theory of five elements and their interaction in all nature, not excluding the human body. And it is Indo-Tibetan medicine that has been studying health for a long time, methods of prolonging youth and health (in the Western sense - disease prevention).

All Tibetan medicines for the syndrome “cold kidneys “ (and this is cystitis, pyelonephritis, gynecological diseases always accompanied by weak kidneys, weakening of potency and prostatitis in men, impotence and fatigue, loss of vitality, weakness of the immune system, cold feet syndrome, cold knees and pelvic area, lumbar sciatica and lumbar hernias may also be associated with this) basically contain green cardamom pods. With all of the above symptoms, you can drink it instead of tea.: knead the pods with a mortar and pour boiling water, insist minutes 15, drink hot. We all know cardamom, which is traditionally put in sweet pastries and cottage cheese desserts. Studying the theoretical foundations of Ayurveda, it becomes obvious why it is historically used in these dishes - an excess of sweet flour and milk can weaken the kidneys (organ of the mucus system), and cardamom somewhat neutralizes the harmful effects on the kidneys “холодных” Products. Cardamom is also often used in a mixture of cinnamon and ginger - all of these herbs have a warming and decongestant effect, but it is cardamom that has the property “разогревать” kidneys. This is especially important in winter, when, even in healthy kidneys, excess cold can accumulate due to unbalanced nutrition and elementary hypothermia (winter is the time for the accumulation of mucus in the body)

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All Tibetan medicines for heart disease содержат в своей основе nutmeg. This is the main heart tonic. (also a universal plant for heart diseases of any nature - Arjuna). This plant has the ability to balance the energy of the heart., may be useful for depression, psychosis, excess Wind in the channel of Life. Strengthens the heart in case of pre-existing diseases. Healthy people benefit from this therapy in the summer., during the accumulation of Trip (bile), within a week, to neutralize possible imbalances associated with excess Heat.

Take nutmeg in warm water or milk, one small pinch of finely grated nut per glass of liquid ( in larger doses, the plant is toxic and has a narcotic effect).

All Tibetan Lung Medicines в основе содержат bamboo powder. But since in our area it is quite problematic to get it, then it can be replaced kaolin (White clay). A vulnerable time for this organ is autumn., time of manifestation of Heat, accumulated over the summer. Fever not removed in time can manifest itself as inflammatory processes (bronchi, лёгкие) usually at this time.

Tibetan Medicines for Liver Treatment созданы на основе saffron. Saffron has mild blood-purifying and liver-cooling properties and has long been “liver tonic”. If you have pain or a feeling of heaviness in the liver area, face turns red, excessive sweating with a pungent smell of sweat and yellowish skin - this plant will definitely be useful for you. You must take it by 5-7 flower stigmas pouring hot water at night and drink in the morning on an empty stomach at room temperature. It is also useful for healthy people with a healthy liver for prevention purposes to conduct such a course in the spring., to cleanse the blood of toxins accumulated during the winter and restore a good complexion.

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With an excess of mucus in the stomach universal and the best remedy for the stomach is Garnet - digestive tonic. It is dried whole, then grind together with the seeds and peel - a powder is obtained, from which (with additives of various constituents) make pills. You can make such a powder yourself, and take a pinch together with boiled warm water. It is also good to drink pomegranate juice for the same purpose.. This will help get rid of excess mucus. (which can cause stomach ulcers or can move to other body systems, causing kidney stones, cold tumors, arthritis, heart and lung diseases, tendency to colds), feelings of heaviness in the stomach, sleepiness after eating, nausea, sometimes headaches.

It is good for healthy people to drink pomegranate juice in the spring.. In spring, Mucus starts to move and its excess can cause mucus imbalances (упадок сил, heaviness, etc.) Usually, exacerbation of chronic diseases caused by an excess of mucus occurs in the spring - for this very reason.

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