Running through life.

Ran today 17,5 km — this is still the record of the season.

Когда бегу, various thoughts come to mind, memories, ideas and whatnot, because the head is not busy with anything and is ready for perception and thought process. This time I remembered that, that until now the priority activity in my life has changed every seven years. It turns out that the cycle did not begin at zero years, and at two years old, because otherwise it is impossible to fit the events.

So with 1977 on 1984 this, of course, rock music. When I was in school, my friend formed a band and I played bass there. A few years later I entered the institute and the group rarely met., but he began to sing with a guitar and compose his own songs. Studies, as if, always stayed in the third place, and the main occupation was songwriting. Performed them, mostly, only at student parties, true then, seems to be, another word (тусовка) in the lexicon was not, но это не важно — the main point. The main influence on creativity was, of course, Leningrad rock club. I tried not to miss a single concert, which I managed to get to. The concerts were always free, there were many ways in my arsenal. Also, during this period he became interested in abstract art, Cubism and other modernisms, since it was new and interesting. All in all, it was the most creative seven-year in my life.

With 1984 on 1991 this is a job in your specialty. The grayest and most uninteresting period. And, Interestingly, in 1984 started to work, and in 1991 I was fired — that is exactly seven years, no more, no less, which confirms my seven year cycles.


With 1991 on 1998 on `` free bread ''. It all started with queuing up at the store for a `` shortage ''" — men's winter boots by 25 rubles. Then he went to the market and immediately sold for 160. There was such a bias in prices. In one day, I got a whole monthly salary at the place where I worked in my specialty. I realized that it is better not to work, but speculate. And so it went. Then he became a currency dealer — changed currency at the entrance near the bazaar. Were golden times. Then currency transactions were banned and I had to switch to trade, clothes first, and then products. But over the years this activity became less and less profitable and in 1998 year finally gave up this occupation. I.e, as we see, again exactly seven years.

With 1998 on 2005 this is earnings on the Internet on affiliate programs. Truth, with 1998 to 2003 a year in parallel he worked as an engineer, but this, of course, it was a second time, compared to my main activity on the Internet. During this seven-year period, I launched a bunch of major sites, every day I launched a dozen doorways — in general, the Internet littered a lot. All in English, since the main buyers were Americans. The main traffic came from search engines, and in particular from Google. At the best of times, for certain keywords, the entire top ten search sites could only be with my sites. Somehow I calculated the total traffic from all my sites and pages per day — it turned out like Yandex. But it will last forever, certainly, не могло — Google has become significantly smarter, developed a new search algorithm and my sites gradually began to drop out from the first search pages. TO 2005 year the situation became almost deplorable. Although since 2005 years to the present, sometimes unexpected checks came from the most unexpected places, which I have already forgotten for a long time, and sales sometimes took place. That was such a fruitful seven-year plan that laid the foundation for speculation on stock exchanges..

  Pay tribute ......

With 2005 up to this day — trading on stock exchanges. Everyone knows about it, that's why there is nothing to tell — все и так понятно. Интересно то, what, in theory, the seven-year plan was supposed to end in 2012 year. But until I see what's in 2012 the year was such a turning point that it can lead to new activities. Maybe it's just not visible from the inside, and from the height of the years, the border will come out clearly. Or maybe the seven-year cycle has broken. All in all, time will show….

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