Battles between two extremist movements in modern trading in Russia.


Contradictions between religious and atheistic sects burst into our lives unexpectedly and gradually cover all spheres of life.. Не стал исключением и Trading. Yesterday I accidentally discovered an extraordinary activity on the spider's forum in one of the sections called `` Tactics of Adversa ''. Turns out, serious battles between two extremely extremist trends in trading have been flaring up there for several days — newly formed, extremely materialistic and systemic-physico-chemical-mathematical, closed sect & quot; Red jackets" and esoteric-theosophical, claiming to disclose special, divine secrets in trading, sect, so-called, & quot; dots & quot;& quot; Adversary Tactics".

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Briefly: in response to accusations by the RedsKhmer jackets" the point is that they don't test their systems, multipoint led, Excel report, in which & quot; Red jackets" found incriminating evidence, expressed in the fact that the profit factor turned out to be equal to all 1,24. As a result of the debate, the ideological leaders of the Red Jackets were banned.. In the middle of the battle, the guru himself and the founder of Tactics Adversa appears, under the nickname `` Yang ''. Arrivals begin in the fact that multi-points do not understand at the expense of whom they win, whose money do they take from the market, to which the multidots answer that it is not necessary to know….. in general, the battles are in full swing and sympathizers of one or another of the parties can still join.

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