Banks on Wall Street are hunting for experts in the field of artificial intelligence

Have you noticed, that the world around us is changing at a breakneck pace? Exactly. Banks on Wall Street, center of the global financial industry, do not stand still. They are actively looking for specialists in the field of artificial intelligence (II). But why is this happening and how can it affect our lives?? Let's try to figure it out.

Banks on Wall Street are hunting for experts in the field of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more important in today's world. It pervades all areas of our lives.: from medicine to education, And, certainly, finance. Banks, especially the giants, like wall street, can't ignore this trend.

Over the past few years, Wall Street banks have been actively looking for AI specialists.. They need them to create new products, improving customer service and optimizing internal processes. This is a massive talent hunt., that can only be compared to the gold rush.

Why banks need AI?

Artificial intelligence can significantly improve the quality and efficiency of banks. It allows you to automate routine processes, provide customers with better service and create new products. All this leads to an increase in the profits of banks and an improvement in their reputation..

About 40% job openings at US banks are for data engineers, machine learning specialists and others. Experts note, what starts “AI Race” and big banks understand, that neural networks can change the financial world: they think better, analyze and collect data faster. The largest number of such vacancies is offered by JPMorgan - 3,7 thousand, followed by Citigroup and Deutsche Bank.

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Requirements for candidates

If you decide to join the race and become an AI specialist, you should have a number of key skills. Some of them include:

  1. AI Knowledge: This includes specialization in areas such as, like neural networks, machine education and deep learning.
  2. Programming: Knowledge of programming languages ​​is especially important., such as Python, Java, R и C++.
  3. Libraries and frameworks: Knowledge of TensorFlow, SciPy, NumPy and Scikit-learn make development easier and faster coding.
  4. Math skills: Working with algorithms and applied mathematics requires strong analytical and mathematical skills, including knowledge of linear algebra, statistics, probability and optimization methods.
  5. Machine learning and deep learning: These fields are subsets of AI and include the study of computer algorithms., who can learn and improve with data and experience.
  6. Neural Network Architecture: Neural networks are inspired by the structure of the human brain and are used to solve complex problems., such as adaptive control, model prediction, pattern recognition and data processing.
  7. Big data and distributed computing: Analyzing Big Data in AI Requires Large Computing Resources, and one system may not be enough for this.

Why AI specialists have become so important to the financial industry?

Many banks have begun to actively use AI to automate their processes, improve the efficiency of operations and provide better customer service. Besides, AI helps banks fight financial crime, providing accurate analytics to detect suspicious transactions.

so, if you want to pursue a career in artificial intelligence, Right away – best time to start. Banks on Wall Street are looking for specialists, able to apply the latest AI advances to improve their services and operations. Wherein, in addition to high paying jobs, you will get the opportunity to contribute to the transformation of the financial industry and the improvement of people's lives on a global level.

  NYSE Stock Market News, NASDAQ on 26.10.2016
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