Bangster Club

To roughly imagine, as in the last 3 Bangsters have been working for years, then we can give an example with the exchange. Let's say in your account 1 million. rubles and you make absolutely crazy moves, stuffing everything, what is bad for maximum shoulders, and one day the market turned against you. What traders usually do? Or they add finance to maintain the margin at the required level, either close by margin call. This is how any healthy system works..

Но оказывается, that you have someone (let's call him "savior"), who is ready to support you at any moment, because for a number of reasons you are too important to the system )) Of course, do not cover losses, but to give the opportunity to leave the game on favorable conditions. And so you say to this "savior", that things are really bad for you and an extra million will not hurt. The Savior gives you with a margin 3 million on 3 months, than you not only close the old hole in the form of unprofitable poses (for example, as an opportunity to sit out negative market conditions), but besides, with this money you can type new poses.

Expire 3 months and if the market went your way, giving the opportunity to exit with a profit, then you give 3 million "savior", accumulating on your account profit from these 3 million, which you put into the game for these 3 months. If the market does not allow you to exit with a profit, then you just refinance to 3 million and possibly more 2 million for insurance until then, until the situation stabilizes.

Simplified example with some assumptions, but this is how bangsters worked. The acute phase of the crisis 2008 summoned not Lehman Brothers, как многие считают. The crisis was staged by world bankers with the direct support of the US and European governments to redistribute the sphere of influence, to change the rules of the game and to legalize the write-off of the mortgage bubble with bangster accounts to government accounts.

I said before, but I repeat. The bursting of the mortgage bubble was about to engulf the financial system due to the extremely high degree of participation of bankers in this game and insane integration into all possible derivatives., так или иначе, mortgage related. Lehman Brothers is more than just a scapegoat, but also a trigger for the legalization of emergency central bank programs to an unlimited extent to support bangsters.

  trading on the NYSE 2010-01-03 05:40:47

Why Lehman Brothers? It must be large enough and significant, to cause panic, but at the same time quite isolated, to avoid the collapse of the payment system and the annihilation of household deposits. Lehman Brothers is a pure investment bank, so the choice is perfect. In fact it all came down, or Goldman Sachs, либо Lehman Brothers.

Chose the latter largely due to Dick Fuld's asshole nature, who suffered from megalomania in the terminal stage with a marginal nature and an exceptional ability to literally give a shit on the head of his employees, если что-то идет не так. Fanatic Finnish market, eminently professional, but with dubious moral character. While Goldman breeders proliferated throughout the government and effectively controlled the state. Goldman has always had a special, I would even say a unique privileged position in the financial hierarchy.
If someone naively thinks, that only Lehman had problems, then i will dispel your doubts.

Ниже я приведу совокупные объемы кредитования банков от FED по ряду чрезвычайных программ (PDCF, TSLF, ST OMO, AMLF, CPFF, TAF, DW and others), moreover, many were off-balance sheet and were not reflected anywhere. Data in $ million

 The entire financial sector had problems, о чем красноречиво демонстрирует schedule. Lehman's balance was no worse, than a Citi or Bank of America balance, who are head over heels in shit. Lehman lending did not significantly exceed lending to other large banks. Lehman was no different from others in principle for the worse, who were on the same day, like Lehman.

You can see and understand everything well? Lehman is not too big a bank compared to those, who is on the chart. He needed 20-30 billion by the end of the year to continue operating activities. They were not given, then to give out tens and hundreds of times more to others. You are aware of the absurdity of the situation? It was just a pawn in the heavyweight political game. On Lehman, all banks stupidly closed the limits, even friends from GS sent nah.

  Final Forex Regulation

Similarly, but for other banks.

 And now all together
That is, at the peak for the TOP 6 the largest US banks, the Fed poured higher 300 billion dollars at the moment.
Here we see something else. After Lehman went bankrupt, the Fed pumped up anyone, who had a pulse, and it was not necessary. There was such chaos, that practically no one looked at the pledges. The Fed even attempted to dump Treasuries in the fall 2008, to somehow satisfy the demand, where treasuries traditionally acted in the form of a pledge. It all came down to something like this. A bank representative calls to the special credit department of the Federal Reserve System, responsible for conducting operations on the open market and lending to banks. John is a banker, Catherine is a teller at the Fed. The conversation is like this.

Joe: "Catherine, we have a full ass, we can't balance and we won't live until Thursday. We urgently need 10 billion (John knowingly rounded 8.75 billion upwards)»
Кэтрин: «Ок, 15 billion will be enough?»
John: "Yes, это хватит. Thanks, before communication "

2008 a year is a period of truly turbulent and fun times. There is a certain romance here with elements of drama., when employees stayed at the workplace before 4 in the morning and were not even going to go home, because. in 9 working day again and you need to have time to stretch out your hand for handouts from the Fed. When the amount was pumped through the bank in a day, equal to the GDP of a small European country, in this case, it is necessary not only to plug the growing black hole, absorbing capital, but participate in auctions and place bids on the sale of assets, because. in the evening there were, что из -5% on SIPI went to +5%, which was equal to the annual movement in the normal period. Many drowned, gone forever into oblivion, but many came out, absorbing competitors and becoming even stronger.

A crisis 2008 - this is a lot of saving banks from the mortgage plague. We needed funds and opportunities to organize monetary chaos. That, guys like that, how Dick Fuld were more accommodating and did not resist the bankruptcy of their own brainchild, then they were guaranteed the inviolability and preservation of assets.

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Did you not think, why NO TOP MANAGERS of Wall St went to jail? An unprecedented scam has been played, and so that everything goes smoothly, then there should be no artificial obstacles, therefore the bangster elite escaped property confiscation and prosecution. Someone needed to be sacrificed to save the rest, it's not even a question here, to spoil the plan of the US government and Wall St.

Any attempts by the public and congressmen to investigate the criminal activity of Wall St were suppressed in the bud. The stakes were too high, to interfere with the game of strangers, therefore, no court can put a banker behind bars until then, until permission is received from the banking lobby.

Want to know my opinion? Fraud and manipulation in the financial environment cannot be eradicated, this is part of the system, it cannot be removed. They, who are now realizing truly ingenious schemes were not yet born during, when their fathers and grandfathers did the same, but on a smaller scale. This is the DNA of the system. Clearing the vicious system is possible only by killing the body, Considering, that banks are the circulatory system of the economy, so no one does it. But I still admire that, how well-coordinated and ingenious they work. It's even higher, than art, even taking into account the sometimes unacceptable costs of the system, when they have blood on their hands. Devilish Wednesday.

By the way, initially they did not expect such a strong blow to the economy. They were betting on, that they will get out of the crisis by simply lowering the interest rate, mitigation of requirements and state subsidies, but the economy turned out to be stronger than their plans. Can you see it now, that they are at a loss, because. permanent crisis is beyond their understanding )) The problems turned out to be more difficult and deeper, than intended.

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