Banal, stupid trading plan.

Based on the Holy Graal method, recommended for use by Linda Raschke, by all well-known persons in the exchange and near-exchange circles.
Let me briefly recall the method. For longs, an instrument with the following conditions is selected:

1. АDX(14) more 30 and growing. Price is greater than EMA(20) — there is a condition for opening a long position.
2. Waiting for lol candles will be lower than EMA(20) if the candlestick is high above the EMA(20) — this will be a signal candle.
3. We place a buy-stop order just above the high of the signal candle — this is the trigger.

Stop just below the low of the signal candle or the previous candle — which is below.
Take profit and trailing at your discretion — there is a lot of room for creativity. But since the method has been widely known for a long time, then the chances of “literate” position control, practically, zero — there will be touched, go there, etc.. It's just like clockwork in books :)

For shorts, everything is exactly the opposite..

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