Automated Trading Si.

I suspect that the best option would be to algorithmize the system for Si, place it on the server and let it trade for itself. While I'm new to this business, but I found out that three programs are suitable for these purposes:

LiveTrade RobotLab

My broker provides for the use of the last two programs.
With Tradematic I have already tried to work out for a long time, but nothing came of it. I remember that orders can be placed there only at the end of the bar, i.e, for example, on the stop for breakdown is not provided. Although the FAQ has something about this and provides a link how you can get around this limitation. But when you click on the link, it turns out that there is no such page. As far as I remember, it was not even a few years ago, when i viewed the site.

Looked today at RobotLab, but the site has nothing about him at all, just download or buy.

ТСлаб, as I understand, at the moment the most popular program in the Russian space. A month ago I downloaded it to my laptop, even managed schedule открыть в текстовом формате, what, By the way, it turned out to be very difficult. This is where it stopped. Then hands did not reach the study of cubes. But, I think, what will need to be done in the near future, because, I suspect that alternatives to TSlab for the purpose of automated trading, at the moment, No. Although, может и ошибаюсь.

  Rumor has it that the Russians will be banned.
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