August: month of memories :)

Anniversary of the apocalypse, which was not. Part I.
A year ago S&P downgraded the United States. In response, the Ukrainian labor community erupted in apocalyptic comments. Что случилось дальше, we know. Ровным счетом ничего. The problem is post-Soviet distortion of thinking? Not only, there are deeper problems. This is what will be discussed.. Let's start with the background.

Anniversary of the apocalypse, which was not. Part II.
In the first part, we remembered, how events unfolded around the US rating downgrade in August 2011 of the year. Resume: there are big differences between media perception and reality. but, worse then, that the situation revealed deep problems with the perception of economic trends by experts. More on this further.

  GЕ (30.11.2011)
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