AT&TAT&T Inc (NYSE: T) - one of the largest American telecommunications companies. Is the largest supplier as a local, and long distance telephony in the USA, as well as the second largest wireless service provider in the United States (77 million users). Total number of AT clients&T more 150 million people. Headquarters - Dallas, Texas.


Компания American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T Corp.) was established in 1885 year. For a long time it was a monopolist in the US long-distance and local communications market. In 1983-1984, under pressure from the US Department of Justice, within the framework of the antitrust process, it spun off the local telephony business and focused on long-distance services.

One of the highlighted in 1983 the company received the name Southwestern Bell Corporation. IN 1995 year this company changed its name to SBC. IN 2005 SBC, becoming by this time the largest telecommunications holding in the United States, acquired for $16 billion AT itself&T, from which once stood out. Moreover, the name AT&T passed to the merged company.

In March 2006 years AT&T negotiated the purchase of BellSouth for $67 billion, as a result 29 December 2006 the largest telecommunications company in the United States was established (this purchase allowed AT&T overtake the former leader - Verizon).

1876-1956: establishment of an empire

1876: The invention of the telephone by Alexander Bell

1877: Bell Telephone Company founded

1878: In New Haven (PCS. Connecticut) the first telephone exchange is open; within three years, similar nodes appeared in all major cities in the United States, giving rise to the Bell System company

1885: American Telephone and Telegraph Company founded on March 3rd (AT&T)

1892: Long distance telephone line between New York and Chicago opened

1899: As a result of the restructuring of AT&T acquires the assets of the parent company, American Bell Telephone Company, and becomes the owner of Bell System

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1913: Litigation with federal authorities settled; AT&T becomes "officially sanctioned monopoly"

1915: The first transcontinental telephone line opens in the USA; three minutes of conversation between New York and San Francisco cost 20,70 Doll.

1925: Bell Telephone Laboratories founded

1927: Transatlantic telephone radio communication service put into operation; the cost of three minutes of conversation - 75 Doll.

1934: Trans-Pacific Telephone Radio Service opened; three minutes of conversation between America and Japan cost 39 Doll.

1937: Clinton Davisson is the first of the AT staff&T wins the Nobel Prize

1947: Bill Shockley's invention of the transistor, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain of AT&T Bell Telephone Laboratories

1956: Completed another proceeding between AT&T and federal authorities; AT&T retains its national telephone operator status

1956-1984: on the way to section

1956: TAT-1 launched, the first transatlantic cable telephone line

1958: AT&T unveils the first ever commercial modem

1962: Telstar I communication satellite launched, with which the first ever live television broadcast across the Atlantic was carried out

1964: TPC-1 underwater telephone cable laid, wired Japan and Hawaii

1965: В AT&T the world's first electronic telephone exchange

1968: Service put into operation 911

1971: Bell Telephone Laboratories developed the Unix operating system

1974: US Department of Justice Initiates Another Antitrust Proceedings Against AT&T

1977: In Chicago AT&T is the first communications company to use fiber optic cable in commercial communications systems

1982: As part of the AT litigation settlement&T agrees to the Bell System section

1983: First US Commercial Cellular Network Launches in Chicago

1984: The Bell System ceases to exist on January 1st

After 1984: to be continued

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1984: Reduced prices for long distance and international calls to 6,4% AT&T begins a six-year campaign to reduce tariffs on its services

1988: Commissioned TAT-8, the first translantic submarine fiber-optic communication channel

1991: AT&T acquires NCR

1993: AT&T acquires McCaw Cellular Communications; one of the results of this deal would later be the formation of the AT division&T Wireless

1995: Spin-off from AT announced&T of NCR and Firms, later named Lucent Technologies

1999: AT&T acquires TCI, which will be renamed to AT&T Broadband

2001: In accordance with the plan for the next restructuring, announced in 2000 year, AT unit&T Wireless becomes an independent company

2002: AT assets&T Broadband goes to Comcast


The company provides services in the field of telephony, long distance communication, Internet access, cable TV, etc.. На начало 2006 AT&T served over 50 million telephone lines. Общее количество занятых — 162000 human.

Number of staff - 303,5 thousand. human. Revenue for 2005 year - $43,86 billion, net profit — $4,8 billion, capitalization for February 2006 — $91,8 billion.

What is AT&T today?

Turnover by results 2002 of the year — 37,82 billion. Doll.

Losses, attributable to non-preferred shares, — 13,08 billion. Doll. (IN 2001 year total profit, related to non-preferred shares, amounted to 9,15 billion. Doll.)

72 thousand. employees (including over 5 thousand. outside the USA, in 60 countries of the world).

3 million. registered shareholders.

50 million. service subscribers.

4 million. business customers.

Via AT network&T Network broadcasts about 2500 trillion. data byte, which corresponds to the transfer of the full content of the Library of Congress every 11,5 min.

In the AT network&T Network during each day of the work week is processed about 300 million. voice calls.

  New Year

AT&T Network is a dial-up Internet service provider in 850 cities, расположенных в 59 countries of the world.

Annually AT&T donates to charities from above 60 million. Doll.

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