"Atlas Shrugged" (Rand Ain)

«Атлант расправил плечи» (Рэнд Эйн)Atlas Shrugged” ranks second after the Bible in the polls for the most read books in the United States. This book had a huge impact on the choice of the life position of Americans..

Plot :

To power in the USA, like all over the world, the socialists come, persecution of a large (and then for the rest) business, the free market is losing ground to the planned economy, the country is slowly sinking into chaos and darkness. The main characters of the novel, Hank Rearden (steel king, mine owner, metallurgical plants, inventor) and Dagny Taggart (railway company owner) trying to resist it, but they fail. The country's economy is destroyed, civil war breaks out, hunger begins.

Screen adaptation :

Adaptation Books on the big screens is scheduled for 2011 year.


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