Need to learn the rules of the game.
And then, start playing better than anyone
(with) BUT. Эйнштейн

For 4 I probably haven't learned all the rules yet..

IF TODAY ON THE SYSTEM SHOULD BE A SHOCK DAY – DON'T # WAY PLAY INSIDE THE DAY. Not in the direction of movement, ни против, you don't need to make deals at all. None. Otherwise, in the end, you will either be left without a pose when everything will fly away, or smaller size, or fix your losses with a bunch of trades.

Kept long since early Thursday. On Friday in front of the statue I went out because of that, what did I see pattern, which has been repeated regularly lately with a probability of 90%.. Like I wanted to take all the movement and the rollback is false and go in more profitable and everything in the world)

И кстати сказать, there was more than one pattern (if Thursday is included). But I, idiot piece, still haven't learned, what “shock day” or just a strong impulse because of this, it’s just and happens, что все паттерны на разворот\откат формируются, but don't work)) And this is what gives acceleration.. because. if someone does not come against the traffic, it at least resets its profitable position ahead of time.. And then all this train and catch up))

That's why then, if you have a fast day – don’t fucking look out there for something inside the day. Because. all that you can spy out – everything will be aimed at, what to fuck you)) бугыгы)) Стоп в Б\У – and fuck the market until the evening.

Еще понравилось… Just about the stock exchange.
“Because if something happens – it is certain that someone is being bred)”  (with) Zadornov)

And by the way, I still didn't pull out my February MT- 2.11…  Volatility is over. There is nothing to trade there yet.. Schedule позже выложу.

  For some reason, I remembered the stories of Kir Bulychev
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