
Useful information for novice traders in the US stock market. Reviews, articles and videos about the leading American stock exchanges

Conscious trading

Understanding the Truth Trading – game of probabilities. Imagine, that we are flipping a coin. Eagle – i win dollar, tail – dollar you win. It's that simple. Heads and tails will fall half the time, and we both won’t win, neither lose. However, imagine, that secretly from me you slipped a counterfeit coin. For every 100 throwing eagles fall 49 once, and tails – 51. You now have a money printing machine. Baptize him “Reshka Trading System”. Everything, what you need to do – sit and always bet on tails. Finally, You win all my money (and any other, who will sit with you to play). Any real trading system gives you an advantage. Favorable slope. Something, what will happen sooner, than not. No matter, which system you are using, Whether, for example, breakout patterns, trend following, Fibonacci, moving averages, channels, oscillator signals, Bollinger Bands, swing trade, opening gaps… You rely on a positive slope. Essentially, система торговли говорит, “when ‘x’ happens, за ним обычно следует ‘y’”.

Quotes about the exchange and trading(Gerchik)

It all depends on the time, which you enter, usually after 11, when liquidity leaves the market a little and there are no more big players on the market before 14.00, then this is really what happens ... the answer is one: you need to trade aggressively with 9.30-11.30 and than, somewhere with 14.30 and all the way….in the interim 11.30-14.30 you just need to look for potential customers (stock), to after 14.30, when the general direction of the market is determined, you were already in the stream… There is no market crisis, the worst for the market – it is the absence of LIQUIDITY AND VOLATILITY, and then, and there are other things on the market now. Before the exchange opens, you can make trades, sometimes for 2-3 hours before opening and after closing, no restrictions. All transactions are carried out on ecn. …Slanted lines work just as well, as well as horizontal, therefore they do not need to be discounted. It's just that horizontal lines work well within the day for identifying levels., but inclined and within the day, and on daily charts for the trend.

A little poetry about our work

He is a trader. Briefly and clearly. You will immediately understand what kind of person, Selling his soul to the devil in vain For a fleeting chance to catch success. And look, and gestures, thoughts and deeds Everything speaks for that, that he is different. He is not turned on by the thought of a skirt., He's in the market. He has no control over himself.

Aphorisms about the Exchange

There is no model, which would predict the direction of exchange rate movements much better, how can this be done by tossing a coin. What is the difference between a broker and a boxer? The first one is fixing bucks, second – boxing on fixes. Big money corrupts, Small – embittered. I want a lot, a lot, a lot of average money. There is nothing more bitter, than looking at a trader, which instead of, to, having a titmouse in weary hands, close in time and go to sleep, by the morning, the bitter tears of unfulfilled hopes are smeared on the sweaty face, looking at the crane, floating high in the sky towards the house, where Mr. J. Soros lives. Nothing builds trust between partners like that., how 100 % prepayment. According to our analysts, the situation in the stock market is stabilizing: uniform fall will become uniformly accelerated. Economists, making predictions, are divided into two classes: they, who don't know, what's going to happen, and they, who don't know, that they don't know it.


Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement is in place between Russia and the United States – it means, that income taxes, earned on American exchanges, a resident of the Russian Federation will pay only in his own country (13%). If you open an account on American exchanges through a Russian broker, then the broker becomes your tax agent – he himself is obliged to calculate and pay your income taxes, taking them from your account annually, as well as when withdrawing funds from an account. If you open an account with a US broker directly, then you yourself must fill out an annual tax return and pay taxes to the Russian budget.

Daytrader restrictions on patterns ( PDT ) USA in 25000$

Day trader by pattern (PDT) – it is a normative designation for those traders or investors, who make four or more day trades within five business days using a margin account. The number of daily trades must be more than 6% of the total trading activity of the margin account during this five-day window.

Jokes about the stock exchange

One person won the lottery 50 million and went to an investment fund. The specialist advises: – 10 million invest in bonds, 10 million in “blue chips“, 10 million in risky stocks, 10 million in real estate, and on 10 million buy rockets and fire on the Arabs. – Why?!! – the lucky one is surprised. – I do not know for sure, – specialist answers, – but the Jews do just that. Stock analyst and broker collide at the elevator. Broker (maliciously): – well, even now you will say – up or down? Analyst Response: – We need a clear definition on which floor we are now. In any case, we will not rise above the roof, and don't go below the basement. Although it is possible that, that the elevator gets stuck or the direction of travel changes due to an emergency.

Share – what is this ?

A stock is an equity security, giving rights to its owner (shareholder) to receive part of the profit of the joint-stock company in the form of dividends, as well as the right to participate in the management of a joint-stock company and to a part of the property, remaining after its liquidation.

Emotional literacy: manage emotions and increase profits

“When one door closes, another one opens; but we so often, for so long and with such regret we look at the closed door, that we do not see those, that open up for us ”. – Alexander Graham Bell Successful investors and traders know the pain of regret. They looked at the closed door, probably repenting, what did not buy Dell in 1993 or that didn't short the NASDAQ in April 2000. Regret – psychological pain, which comes, when you understand, that you made a bad decision, when it was possible to do everything differently. Emotionally savvy investors know, that you shouldn't look at a closed door for too long, to learn from mistakes.

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