Trader career – myth or reality?!
Many people ask more than once, how i became a trader. It's a very short story. Everything was simple, one fine day i woke up and realized, that I am a trader.
Useful information for novice traders in the US stock market. Reviews, articles and videos about the leading American stock exchanges
Many people ask more than once, how i became a trader. It's a very short story. Everything was simple, one fine day i woke up and realized, that I am a trader.
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) includes several sector indices, which reflect the productivity of companies in different sectors of the economy. Some of them: – S&P 500: index, which includes 500 largest companies by market capitalization in the United States, covering various sectors of the economy, Such as technology, healthcare, energy, etc.. – Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA): index, which includes 30 largest companies in the USA, representing various sectors of the economy, such as finance, industry, technology, etc. – NASDAQ Composite: index, which includes more than 3000 companies, traded on the NASDAQ exchange, Most of which are companies in the technology sector. – S&P 500 Health Care: index, which includes companies in the healthcare sector, such as manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. – S&P 500 Energy: index, which includes companies in the energy sector, such as oil and gas producers, companies manufacturing equipment for the energy industry, etc.
Original : In the end, does not matter, how much do you know about the markets or trading. There is only one criterion for success in this profession - how much money did you raise from the market. Trading is one of the most confusing and complex areas of knowledge. How many people - so many opinions. There is no one way, how to make money on the stock exchange - there are hundreds of methods, and everyone is different. Knowledge is worth absolutely nothing, if you cannot turn this knowledge into money. Trading without a system is a road to nowhere. All successful traders trade systematically. If for several years every day you lose, then you earn, – you get used to it, and you know, that profit or loss for the day means absolutely nothing. Even profit for a month means nothing. Money causes greed. Money causes fear of losing it. To start making money on the exchange, you need to get rid of your own fears and greed. Для этого нужно, so that money will lose value for you - that value, which all people attribute to money
Characteristically, that immediately before the collapse, three quarters of the trading fell on "short" sales. Respectively, at the peak of the fall, there was a massive closing of "short" positions (because of which, actually, the market and played back up at lightning speed). As a result, unknown characters grabbed billions of dollars. Since an exchange is by definition a zero-sum game, then billions, earned by some exchange participants, mean the same money, lost by others.
Investigation, conducted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Showed, what's in between 14:44 And 14:55 took place 11 510 deals for the sale of shares at prices, more than 10% different from that, what was recorded a minute earlier. In absolute terms: paper, which in 14:40 cost 212,4 million dollars, during subsequent 20 minutes were sold for 557 thousand 516 Dollars.
After such arithmetic, the talk about the unique opportunities of the era of wild privatization in Russia is no longer impressive. If only because, what performances, played in 2010 year on American stock exchanges, allow you to overcome the distance from nothingness to fabulous wealth in a matter of minutes!
Not surprising, that immediately after the "failure of the exchange" (this is the official name of the performance from 6 May) the general public had an irresistible desire to look at the mysterious lucky ones at least out of the corner of their eye, for whom the market collapse turned into a golden rain. If only because, that the general public itself did not fit the role of such lucky ones by definition.
By the will of fate 6 May yours truly spent all day in the American stock market, besides with active open positions. All of these positions were short (WFC put options), therefore, theoretically, it was not possible to talk about losses, but about profit. Alas, Wells Fargo's dizzying collapse didn't make me richer: my broker's terminal - by the way, eminent and authoritative Charles Schwab - for 15 minutes was simply unavailable. In the truest sense of the word: the server was lying! That is, it was impossible to close, nor open positions. All that remained was to observe, like put options throughout 10 minutes showed unrealized profits in 600%, and then rolled back as if nothing had happened.
Shortly speaking, interest in the "winners" flared up serious. A distracting maneuver, who did not fail to follow in hot pursuit from Capitol Hill (“Catch hackers and terrorists!»), No one, Certainly, did not believe. Therefore, politicians had to appoint a special commission of inquiry and summon Mary Shapiro to Congress., head of the SEC, and Gary Gensler, Head of the Commission on Futures Trading (CFTC, Commodity Futures Trading Comission).
Mary Shapiro, long-established reputation as a gentle and compassionate woman, once again justified the hopes placed on her: “We are convinced, that market disruption 6 May aggravated by erratic rules and regulations, which are guided by various trading platforms ". The way out is also on the surface: “All exchanges must agree as soon as possible to the installation of unified automatic breakers. (circuit breakers), which would be turned on as needed at the same time ".
All this, certainly, beautiful and wonderful. For those, who didn't understand, I'll explain: there is no one to blame! The collapse happened spontaneously due to the imperfection of the system. Rightly believing, that no one will believe it anyway, Mary Shapiro added: “If we manage to track stock exchange activity, violating securities trading rules, we will take the necessary measures ".
Subsequent attempts by the SEC to get to the bottom of the true cause of the short-term collapse were no less fruitless. 6 May. First, what came to everyone's mind: lay the blame on Greece, which, with its irrepressible street riots, seemed to demonstrate to the whole world: “We are not going to repay debts and loans!"But the" Greek factor "has been hovering like a sword of Damocles over the world stock market for more than a week, therefore, it was impossible to write off the dizzying collapse on him out of the blue.
Version number two: the two most organized exchanges are the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the e-Nasdaq - immediately slowed trading on all hot stocks, as soon as there was a feeling of panic. As a result, there was a redistribution of the traffic of market orders to other sites. (them in America 50), where trading continued. As regional exchanges lacked liquidity, quotes collapsed, but after the return of the NYSE and Nasdaq to life, they quickly recovered. It is this version - probably, due to its harmlessness, lack of extreme and collectively distributed (without)responsibility - especially liked by the SEC and was taken as the basis for the report to Congress.
The problem is still, that at the very peak of the fall, that is, at the moment, when, under SEC versions, the market lacked liquidity, the lion's share of "short" positions was closed (and accordingly - the fabulous enrichment of unknown comrades). That is, it comes out, that on the main floors "short" positions were opened, but were already closed on marginal electronic exchanges. Do not know, how do you, but it all seems to me in the form of an elegantly planned action of gargantuan proportions.
Why planned? Because not a single participant in their right mind will open a huge number of "short" contracts without reinforced concrete confidence in the subsequent fall of the market! Such confidence in our unpredictable world is permissible only in one case.: when the "short" sellers themselves, this fall and provide. Can, certainly, philosophize about reckless stock speculators, ready to recklessly risk their entire fortune, only any speculation always has clearly defined boundaries. First of all, in terms of funds, allocated for speculation. So here: these volumes cannot be compared with that colossal array of capital, which collapsed for 5 minutes the whole market for a historically unprecedented 990 index points.
Expressive version, but also not viable. Firstly, a hypothetical Citigroup trader, in principle, could not have permission to make transactions of this volume; hence, his order would have been canceled long before, how to get to the exchange. Secondly, average daily trading volumes of Procter & Gamble do not exceed 12 millions of shares, and this is clearly not the right figure, which can shake the imagination of the entire market.
Howbeit, but Procter shares & Gamble fell on 37%: "We do not know, what caused this fall, - the press secretary of the company Jennifer Chelun helplessly throws up her hands, - we only know, that there was some kind of electronic transaction, which we are now trying to track together with Nasdaq and other electronic exchanges ". Looking ahead, I will make a guess, what procter & Gamble is just a victim of a long line of companies, whose shares were used to cheat the uninitiated public.
Think, The SEC would continue to put forward versions - one crazier than the other - ad infinitum, if not for one circumstance, pushing comedy beyond the bounds of decency. The fact, what is the name of the potential culprit of the gesheft 6 May was Openel's secret from the very beginning. I'll say more: the culprit was known by sight, at least, over the past year, however all this time and politics, and the semi-official biased press stubbornly pretended, that they do not see the "hero" at close range.
They trade quickly, quickly and often, often. (hence the name), because they have at their disposal ultra-modern and very expensive computers. They trade successfully - let's say, Kansas City-based Tradebot hasn't had a single day at a loss in the past four years (!) - and for the common people to enjoy, as hundreds of thousands of their transactions provide unique liquidity in the market.
How did high frequency trading prove itself? 6 May 2010 of the year? According to the New York Times journalist Julia Cresswell, tweeters, desperate to analyze the market scientifically at some point, took yes and turned off their supercomputers. well, and since HFT, according to various estimates, provides today from 40 to 70% all exchange activity, a liquid vacuum has formed on trading floors, which led to the collapse. "On midday 6 May, when the stock market began to plunge into a lightning crash, somebody (at Tradeworx - S.G.) went to the computer and typed HF STOP on the keyboard: sell everything and disconnect. All over the country, Tradeworx colleagues did the same.. In the next instant, some of the most influential players in the market today - high-frequency traders - plunged into darkness.. That, what followed, made the entire financial world shudder ".
Julia Cresswell writes beautifully, you will not say anything. When I read these passages, always wondering: “The journalist deliberately goes for a hoax, or out of naive ignorance? And if deliberately, then - from what motives: kind or not too?»
In the case of the New York Times journalist, the speech, I suppose, it is still about an "editorial assignment", and not about malice, it is not clear otherwise, how to explain the closing phrase of the post: "Now, when the dust cleared, is he (Manoj Narang - Founder of Tradeworx - S.G.) not so sure of my actions anymore. Some familiar HFT companies stayed on the market all day, and this day became for them the most profitable of the year, - complained Mr. Narang ".
I guess, it's time to explain to the reader the essence of high-frequency trading, and also lead him to understand the algorithms, which caused 6 May, a lightning-fast collapse and the subsequent no less lightning-fast recovery of the market. I will not dare to give one hundred percent guarantee, that events developed exactly according to this scenario, Nevertheless, its probability seems to me an order of magnitude higher than all, officially announced.
Let's start with the main: high frequency trading has nothing to do with traditional trading, and even more so to some kind of "scientific", not the slightest relation. HFT is a technological form of insider trading, creating a criminal advantage for some market participants over others. High frequency trading has been in the markets for years, but the general public learned about him less than a year ago.
The basis of HFT is the so-called flash orders, high-speed exchange orders, the meaning of which is as follows. For a certain fee, the exchanges provide "selected" clients with the opportunity to see the applications of bidders arriving at the common terminal before all others. The gap is usually 30 Milliseconds. For super powerful computers, which high frequency traders are equipped with, this time is more than enough, to analyze bids and place your own - proactive. Their effectiveness will directly depend on the applications., which will enter the market the next moment.
HFT told the world about the "scientific nature" 24 July 2009 years Karl Denninger, Market Ticker blog host. Here is his story with minor comments., facilitate the perception of terminology.
Suppose, a large pension fund - one of the most beloved cash cows of professional traders - places a purchase order on the exchange 100 thousand shares of Broadcom at a limit price 26,40 dollar. "Limit" order means, that the buyer will be satisfied with any price below 26,40. At this moment, the current quote on the exchange is 26,10 per share, What's on 30 cents below the buyer's bid.
When trying to sell at a price 26,45 the market does not satisfy the application, since there is no answer to her (we remember, that the maximum order at this moment for the purchase of shares is 26,40 from the pension fund), and immediately cancels it (in accordance with the IOC condition). Since the HFT trader has formally fulfilled all the requirements of the exchange for a smooth increase in quotes, he can safely proceed to his plan: post an order to sell Broadcom shares at a price 26,39 - slightly lower 26,40 - limit application of the pension fund!
As a result, the application of the pension fund for the purchase 100 thousand Broadcom shares will be satisfied at a formally fair price (26,39), although in fact the pension fund was divorced, like the last sucker. Because in a few moments, Broadcom stock will fall to, corresponding to real supply and demand (26,10, maybe, slightly higher - 26,20). Then the HFT trader will buy back at the current Broadcom share price, which previously sold for 26,39, and make a big jackpot. Guaranteed. Out of the air. Of course, strictly "scientific"!
And this is the kind of crime that the entire elite of the financial world of America is involved in.. Do you think, where does the fabulous profit come from, which the largest banks of the country are reporting today? Almost all of this profit is derived from exchange transactions.. Nothing surprising, if you remember the achievements of HFT trader Tradebot, who in four years has not had a single unprofitable day!
Returning to events 6 May, I'd venture a guess, that the whole performance, played between 14 And 15 for hours, consisted of algorithms, approved by HFT traders for a long time (Really, on a smaller scale). First, the sale of a colossal number of shares "short", then shutting down computers to create a liquidity vacuum, lightning-fast return to the market and closing of short positions at the very peak of the fall with the simultaneous opening of long positions for their subsequent liquidation on a purely technical winning back.
Given the phenomenal amplitude of the artificially induced double market swing (down first, then up) it can be assumed, what 6 May managed to earn tens of billions of dollars. Maybe, hundreds. In a few minutes. Sleight of hand alone, supercomputers and… warm feelings, fed by America's financial system to its own elite.
Everything, what's worth it, to have it in life, deserves it, to work for him. Andrew Carnegie Success only comes to those, who acts. He very rarely comes to those, who gives in to circumstances. Jawaharlal Nehru Success is never complete, and defeat is never final. Dr. Robert Schuller I Adore, when they tell me, that I cannot do it ... because all my life I see, how wrong they are, Believing, that I won't even try! Ted Turner Great thoughts speak only of the wisdom of the mind that generates them., and great actions are about the rulers of the destinies of mankind. Emily P. Bissell We see unfavorable circumstances in front of us only when, when we lose sight of our main goal. Henry Ford.
1.Many of those, who failed in life, Are people, not understanding, how close they were to success at that moment, when gave up. (Thomas Edison) 2.Only those, who dare to fail, can come to great achievements. (Robert Kennedy) 3.The future belongs to those, who sees opportunities before, how they become obvious. (John Scully, former CEO of Papsi and the computer firm Apple) 4.Who makes no mistakes, he will not move forward. (Theodore Roosevelt) 5.The true measure of a person is not position, which he occupies in times of comfort and convenience, but hardness, which he shows in times of challenges and contradictions. (Martin Luther King) 6.In any kind of business or industry, where loafers are equally rewarded, and hard workers, sooner or later, much more of the first ones are discovered, than the last. (Mike Delami)
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By pressing the exit button in a career in law, Mike Sent a Sharp Analytical Mind to Wall Street. Having survived the fashion of day trading on the technology boom in the late 90s, Mike teamed up with a close friend.
Recently, I was lucky enough to sit next to Mike and learn about his career., about that, how he raised SMB Capital, and his wisdom for traders.
“Trade – it is the ability to develop and discipline”
Damien Hoffman: Mike, as I, You are a lawyer by training. What made you leave the practice of law and move on to trading??
Mike: I was in my third year of law school., when I realized that jurisprudence – it's not the same, what I need. My best friend, Steve Spencer, invited me to New York for a celebratory dinner. Steve and his roommate from Wharton (School of Business), Jared Keben, convinced me, that I should consider trading with their company. That's why I did it.. In a nutshell, it was the best opportunity, which I had after graduating from law school.
Damien Hoffman: What was your reaction?, when you first saw the trading floor and trading guys?
Mike: My first reaction was to laugh just at the thought of it.. When we first started trading, there were no schedules. There was also no CNBC or news feed.. We had one old computer and no air conditioning. [both laugh].
Damien Hoffman: What a year it was??
Mike: 1998. When it got too hot, our decision was to send a gang of messengers for ice cubes and ice cream sandwiches. [both laugh]. We were in an unimpressive building on 50th Board Street.. The ceilings were 7-8 feet. We were all cramped., and perhaps to my left and right was 6 feet. I had to use the phone with another person. This, undoubtedly, not a picture of really rich Wall Street firms, that you could see in the movies. But the environment was competitive., filled with guys, who really like to trade, guys, who make a lot of money, good guys, and cheerful guys. Even with such an unimpressive infrastructure., it was a great opportunity.
Damien Hoffman: That sounds fun..
Mike: And so it was.!
Damien Hoffman: How did you succeed in that environment and get off the ship?, to start your own business?
Mike: That's a good question.. After a year at this firm, I had enough money., to trade on your account. And for more than ten years, this is what, what I do. Then came the moment., when trading became insufficient for me. I wanted to do something else. – something big, due to the lack of a better word. At the time, I found out., that there are many start-up companies, which attracted traders. I started thinking about, how I have learned over the past ten years and gained skills, which could serve well for that, to start this type of business.
The post is not over
Damien Hoffman: Firstly, GMan, can you explain what dark pools are (Dark Pools)?
GMan: Dark pools are sources of liquidity, accessible to institutional or other, big day traders. This is the path for large orders with a target from inter-institution trading as an alternative to large order execution. – think more 30.000 Shares – on the open market.
Damien Hoffman: Most people think, what orders of dark pools – these are hidden order books. It really is?
GMan: Not that, to keep them hiddenwith my order books all together. These orders are simply kept in a separate ledger., available only to topics, who have deep pockets and need to trade large blocks of stock. I like the name of dark pools – big money ECN.
Damien Hoffman: How it ensures fair and transparent bidding?
GMan: Same way, like any other ECN as such, they support fair and transparent bidding for all, who has access to them. For most of us, these are just minor inconveniences.. Dark pools only suck some liquidity at our disposal, active traders – that's why they (perception pool) uncomfortable, and not because I can't tell where the big liquidity is.
I will not deny that, that a very small part of my game is getting before these orders, to create a spread – literally making a few cents per trade. But since this is such a small part of my income – less 5% – then I do not lose sleep because, I can't see those orders. Big money for me – it is identifying strong or weak stocks and creating a big move. When, reading the tape, I feel a big order, going to market, i try to define, How long does it take for volume to enter an order from readily available ECNs?, dark pool, or together.
Damien Hoffman: Can you suggest, how individual traders should work with dark pools?
GMan: I am a trader. My job – look for signals, to earn. I have developed excellent trading skills over the years. Programs, perception pool, algorithmic programs and the like just require some trading adjustments. I still find ways, to make money. I am pleased to, that some, of the above will be removed from the market, but if they all persist, I will still be a consistent profitable trader.
Traders must accept dark pools and find ways to trade with them. They won't really go anywhere.. Like a trader, I could argue endlessly about, that this area is not equal in rights. But I don't take money from the market, complaining or listing all of its faults. I take money from the markets by adapting and looking for signals, to earn.
When it comes to dark pools, I just use the large trading volume of these liquidity sources as an indicator or hint., that some big institutional guys are jostling around the volumes. These prices, on which transactions take place, tend to become very important.
Damien Hoffman: Can you give an example?
GMan: Let me tell you about the scenario, which the, as i saw, happens often. I like to call it “Program, trapped”. This happens a lot in stocks, who are very in the game, which means – huge volatility, good volume, tight spreads, and big traders, pushing around volumes.
Suppose, I trade the stock as it approaches support at $11 and it looks impressive at all time intervals of the charts. When the stock broke through support, I saw by $11.03 ARCA, holding ask, which repeated the seller at the same price, but small volume. It indicates weakness.. Now imagine a big bid on $11, who is beaten aggressively. Bid goes down and now ARCA goes down – on $11, as a result of which the stock looks very weak. Suddenly, in a few minutes, large white print in 100.000 shares goes by $10.99. Not surprising, no more ARCA orders by $11 or $11.03. The stock is bursting up. This level by $11 now becomes a significant and good entry point for a long position next time, when the stock goes down (to this level).
so, in plain english, promotion goes back to places, where there is consumer interest. Aggressive seller thinks, that the stock must trade below, so it goes back to selling in close proximity to support. He makes others believe the same., and they consume a big customer on support. Being confident that, that the stock can now start moving down, the seller drops below and sells a lot at the previous support price. Then out of nowhere – in what sense, dark pool – another institutional player prints a huge volume below support. ARCA seller understands, that there is still buying interest around these $11, so it rises. And the stock is moving away from this support level very quickly..
Understandably, that the trader will be pleased to see a large ask in the book, so that we can add to the short position. But as a tape reader, I will learn to consider all the different possibilities about, how a stock can be traded, based on that, what do you see in Level2. Due to the 3D print below, where we see an active seller, I am not comfortable in my short position. It makes me think, that the seller will fix in the stock above, when his print will be accepted by the dark pool.
Damien Hoffman: Gman, thanks for this preliminary tutorial on dark pools! We are glad, what do you contribute to our site and continue to do Wall St. Cheat Sheet valuable place for traders and investors.
GMan: Thanks for the opportunity. Team
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