
Useful information for novice traders in the US stock market. Reviews, articles and videos about the leading American stock exchanges

Легендарные и самые богатые инвесторы мира

          Investment – This is one of the ways to multiply your finances and achieve financial independence. There are many legendary and successful investors in the world, who, with their actions and decisions, have left a huge mark on the world of finance. In this article, we will look at a few of these legendary and richest investors in the world, and also learn their secrets of success.

8 topical advice to the trader

1) Don't trade on tilt Don't even think about it. No matter how upset you are with the cons , as soon as you feel tilt, close the terminal immediately. Nothing has such a detrimental effect on your deposit, like tilt. After trading a whole week, it won't be fun for you to lose all this result in a few trades on tilt. Or force yourself to close the terminal, or you can not count on the withdrawal of money. 2) Trade with risk management, that risk management advice is incredibly simple, sometimes it seems, that many traders try to find any excuse, not to follow these rules. Before diving into strategy, learn to manage your money. If you are trading beyond your capabilities, even the best strategy won't help you win money all the time.

6 motivational quotes for traders

№ 1. Find a job you like, and you don't have to work a single day in your life. © Confucius Old as the world, but damn true. Everyone has such acquaintances, who are happy or, at least, satisfied with their work. On the other hand, most people live on Friday night. It's worth adding here, what, despite, that many may like to trade for, say, couple of years, sooner or later it can turn into a routine. If you want to continue to "love" to trade, you have to find a way to get new trading experiences all the time, or, at least, have a good work-life balance.

23 best quotes by Warren Buffett on investing

American entrepreneur Warren Buffett is one of the most famous investors in the world. According to Forbes magazine's annual billionaire ranking, the personal fortune of Berkshire Hathaway's CEO 2013 G. Was $58,2 billion, making him the fourth richest person on the planet. About that, how to succeed in the financial market, Buffett regularly talks in his interviews, books and regular letters to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders. Buying stock is not just a matter of price “It's much better to buy a great company for a good price., than a good company for a great price”. You don't need to be a genius, to invest successfully “You don't have to be a rocket scientist. Investing is not a game, where a person with a high IQ level beats the one, who has it lower”.


1. Warren Buffett, guru investor, condition is assessed in $39 billion: “Price – this is what, what do you pay. The cost – this is what, what you get. Irrelevant, are we talking about stocks or socks, I prefer to buy a quality product at that moment, when he is underestimated”. 2. George Soros, condition – $22 billion: “I'm rich just because, what do I know, when wrong. Simply put, I managed to survive thanks to my ability to admit my own mistakes”. 3. David Rubenstein, condition is assessed in $2,8 billion: “Persevere – don't choose “No” as an answer. If you are happy, sitting in one place and not taking risks, you will stay in the same place for the next 20 years”.

Warren Buffett proposes 1 billion dollars for 63 guessed match

While much of America's attention is focused on American football and its players, Warren Buffett (one of the richest and most successful investors in the world) conceived something interesting in the world of basketball According to Forbes magazine, Buffett partnered with Dan Gilbert with Berkshire Hathaway, founder of Quicken Loans (largest online loan company). So here, billionaires offer to play an interesting game: that man, who will guess the outcome of all 63 games in the upcoming March varsity basketball championship (NCAA men’s college basketball tournament), will receive neither more nor less 1 billion dollars.

Profit chart of trader Jesse Lauriston Livermore – Equity deposit

Jesse Lauriston Livermore (English. Jesse Lauriston Livermore; 1877—1940) - stock speculator of the early XX century. Famous for the, that I managed to earn several times and then lose fortunes, estimated in millions of dollars. Also known for his short selling (uncovered sales) during stock market crashes 1907 And 1929 years, for which he received the nickname "Great Bear"[. 28 november 1940 of the year, deeply depressed, Livermore committed suicide.

How not to go crazy from trading on the stock exchange

nyse ki Trading on the stock exchange would not be so difficult without periodic nerves and frustrations. A permanent streak of luck is possible only in fairy tales. Even the best traders take two steps forward, three back and then a half forward, and after all this they are surprised, why are they so exhausted, , in fact, practically did not budge.

Warm up before trading

Do you usually prepare for the upcoming session, mentally setting yourself up for trading, or you just sit down and trade? All professional athletes and those who are simply seriously interested in a particular sport must warm up before playing or performing.. This includes practicing techniques, conversations with teammates, run, stretching, analysis of the strategy, etc.. For most traders, the warm-up consists only in the process of starting the computer.. In general, traders do not understand the importance of such warm-ups at all.. It's not their fault, as usually in the trading literature, this is practically not paid attention to. If you want to gain an advantage over lazy traders, who don't take trading seriously, a warm-up will be a good start for this.

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