
Useful information for novice traders in the US stock market. Reviews, articles and videos about the leading American stock exchanges

which stocks to select for trading ?

Всех начинающих трейдеров интересует: какие акции отбирать для торговли? Все акции можно разбить на несколько категорий: 1. толстые 2. тонкие 3. быстрые 4. медленные 5. сумасшедшие 6. плавные 7. мертвые Из этого списка начинающим трейдерам рекомендую торговать медленными и плавными со средним объемом. Плавные – в этих акциях движения происходят плавно без резких изменений и […]

Nasdaq lowered prices for stock data

Nasdaq Exchange Group Expects To Reduce License Fees To Direct Bidders (brokers and dealers) на Nasdaq Basic с $350 thousand to $100 thousands per month, what follows from the application filed by the exchange with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). "The proposed changes will help expand the use of Nasdaq Basic by investors by reducing its cost.", – Nasdaq officials said. Nasdaq explained, that payments for Nasdaq Basic are “constrained by competition between exchanges and other financial institutions, attracting order flows ". "Order flows are" blood vessels "for stock exchanges". Brokers and dealers currently have alternative locations to get them. ", – added by a Nasdaq spokesman.

Head of the energy company 808 Renewable Energy Corp arranges Ponzi scheme on NYSE

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) indicted four individuals from California for fraud, who deceived the company's investors 808 Renewable Energy Corp. Main accused, founder and CEO of the company 808 Renewable Energy Corp. Patrick Carter, together with a number of top managers engaged in fraud with 2009 years within five years, having kidnapped more $30 million from hundreds of investors.

The Cohen Foundation will pay the last $135 million in insider case

Billionaire Stephen Cohen's former hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors LP, converted now to Point72 Asset Management LP, will close the question, insider trading controversy. In the near future, he will pay off the last affected investors., listing them $135 million, reports Reuters. Claims against SAC for illegal transactions with Elan Corp. and other drug maker Wyeth, on which the company has earned $275 million. This is about actions on the part of the fund manager Matthew Martoma, who worked at SAC and made decisions based on the advice of a Michigan doctor.

Instant trading: The Future of Trading

Неплохо сегодня сходили вниз фьючнрсы на золото и кофе. И вот что из этого получилось. Кстати терминал OpenECry превратился в последнее время в непонятно что. Торговать через него становится просто невозможно — Disconnected– Reconnected… большую часть времени он в отключке. Хорошо что есть возможность во время редкого состояния когда он в онлайне выставить заявки “закрыть позицию на закрытии сессии” или “закрыть позицию в определенное время”. Вот так и торгуем.

Это золото:

Это кофе:

IN 20 years hedge fund on 5 million.

Twenty year old boy, who dropped out of NYU and started his own hedge fund, stated that, what could I earn 5 million dollars. Julian Marquis founded Marchese Investments last year, while still a student, being in your dorm room. In September, The marquis ruled the sum of the order 1 million dollars pref

What will happen to American tech companies under Trump?

US President-elect Donald Trump can hardly be called technically advanced. He does not use mail, according to his campaign speeches, then he doesn't even have a mobile phone. From a speech on CNN it follows, that he personally does not write posts on Twitter, dictating the text “one of the adorable young assistants”. But, in spite of this, his decisions can somehow change the life of tech companies, and consequently, and all those, who uses the services, The issue of high-tech development in pre-election speeches was touched upon very little., but the Republican touched on some topics from time to time, thanks to which we can assume, what awaits the American high-tech sector under Trump.

Хедж фонды – Evgenia Sluchak (Video)

Hedge Fund Marketing Specialist. Author over 30 publications in Russian, industry related (Forbes Russia, SPEAR’s Magazine Russian Edition, Risk Management Magazine, Debt Expert Magazine, Securities Market Magazine и др.). Founder of the professional community Moscow Hedge Fund Managers Club (MHFMC). Developed the Russian Hedge Fund Index and the Russian Hedge Fund Ranking for SPEAR's magazine. Together with partners, she organized the first annual Russian Hedge Fund Industry Awards for Russian managers (RHFIA).

Why Warren Buffett is ahead of the market

Idzin Fama and Richard Thaler, legendary professors at the University of Chicago, recently had an excellent discussion on the efficiency of financial markets. Generally, Fama's arguments looked more convincing, and we can agree with him - the efficient market hypothesis (efficient market hypothesis, EMH) not entirely correct, but is an excellent foundation for further analysis.

One tweet and minus 387 million dollars

American politician Bernie Sanders collapsed the price of the shares of the pharmaceutical company Ariad with one post on Twitter. It is reported by The Next Web. The American pharmaceutical company Ariad has increased the price of the drug for patients with leukemia by 27% - now the full cost of the one-year course is 199 one thousand dollars. Statnews 7 October published an article about this, after which the value of the company's shares began to decline.

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