
Useful information for novice traders in the US stock market. Reviews, articles and videos about the leading American stock exchanges

Fundamental analysis

Goals of Fundamental Analysis Fundamental Analysis (Fundamental analysis) Are methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of company reporting documents, aimed at determining the real value (intrinsic value) her assets and predicting her future income. One of the practical uses of fundamental analysis is to identify undervalued (undervalued) companies, buy these shares in the hope, that the market will appreciate them and their price will rise. Comparing companies in the same industry, can be identified “unappreciated” And “overvalued” paper. As part of the fundamental analysis, an in-depth study of information about the current state of the company and the prospects for its development is carried out, materials, which the company publishes about itself, accounting statements of profit and loss. Based on the analysis results, the composition of the investment portfolio is determined. Shares of companies are selected for it, characterized by stable financial and economic indicators and having a high potential for further development. A number of macroeconomic indicators are also taken into account., such as inflation, Central Bank interest rate, level of business activity. At the same time, the fundamentalist analyst abstracts from the behavior of market stock prices. Therefore, fundamental analysis perfectly complements technical analysis., based on the study of the dynamics of the market price and trading volume. The combined application of both methods allows you to get a holistic view of the market situation and most accurately predict the direction of change in stock prices.

The most famous personalities in the history of the stock market

Larry Williams (Larry Williams) Larry Williams is one of the most famous and successful traders. One of his most outstanding accomplishments was winning the Robbins Cup Futures Trading Championship. (Robbins World Cup of Championship of Futures Trading). He managed to earn in one year $1 147 000, with an initial capital of $10 000, which amounted to more 10000% per annum. He is the author of the book “Long-term secrets of short-term trading”. In his book, he describes the best technical indicators and original methods of technical analysis.. He also offers readers an in-depth analysis of the most effective short-term trading strategies and describes in detail the theory and practice of money management.. Larry Williams Reveals the Basics of Short-Term Trading, advantages and disadvantages of this so fruitful, but still a potentially dangerous activity. George Soros (George Soros) George Soros is a famous American billionaire financier, who is engaged in investment business. He wrote books: “Voting for democracy”, “Soviet system: towards an open society”, “The Alchemy of Finance”, hedge funds established “Quota”, “Quantum immersion grouse”, “Quantum”. Soros owns real estate in many countries, including UK and USA.

What is OTC Pink Sheets and OTCBV OTC Market (off-board bulletin board)

OTC Pink Sheets OTC Market - Electronic Exchange, on which shares are sold and bought. There are no trading platforms in the OTC Pink Sheets market, all quotations are carried out in electronic form. Since there is no central platform (trading floor) like on the NYSE, companies traded on pink sheets (Pink Sheets) also do not have specific criteria, which would allow you to select reliable companies for trading. In this article, we will tell, what is Pink Sheets, what they hide the likely profits and risks. OTC Bulletin Board or OTCBB in the United States is a stock of companies not represented on the NASDAQ, NYSE or other national marketplaces. Over-the-counter (OTS) translated as over-the-counter. There are also various types of TUT: OTCQX, OTCQB and Pink Sheets. Deception and manipulation are common among OTCs. OTC shares are often unpredictable and regulated by the SEC, securities regulatory commission, national stocks and option trading platforms, and other securities markets in the United States. FINRA,private corporation acting as the self-regulating organization of the securities markets, which works and provides regulatory services of OTC. Almost all companies represented on OTC are in a pre-bankruptcy state. OTCQX OTCQX is the most prestigious level in OTC. To be in the OTCQX, companies must earn trust.

Uptick rule in the US stock market

Uptick rule (rule 10a-1)- restriction of trading in securities on the American stock market, which does not allow opening a short position (shorts) except on the "ap-tic", that is, the minimum upward price movement. In fact, this implies, that you cannot go short in the market, but only with a limit order for 1 tick movement from the current price up.

Snap: what the results of the first quarter say?

Snap's IPO valuation was $24 billion. But following the results of the following months, the company showed modest operating and financial results.. What to expect next? This March Snap, Inc. went public. Even though, that the company is still unprofitable, Snap's IPO is the largest U.S. tech company IPO since Facebook went public in 2012 year. Snap attracted $3,4 billion, while the company's valuation was $24 billion. The share price on the first day of trading on 44% exceeded the placement price, and the company's market capitalization was $28 billion. The Snapchat app was launched in 2011 year and was positioned as a messenger with disappearing messages. Founder and CEO Evan Spiegel called Snap a "camera company" in the first place («Camera Company»), despite the presence of many other functions of the social network and messenger.

Phases of testing new drugs

Many medicines are biologics. It means, that they are obtained from living sources, for example, Cells. Biologics are complex mixtures, molecules of active components of which (usually proteins), hundreds of times larger than the molecules of most traditional drugs. Usually, such drugs are effective only when administered intravenously. Biologics include blood and its components, vaccines, as well as recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies obtained using biotechnological methods. Most biologics are subject to the jurisdiction of the FDA, regulated by the Public Health Services Act and requires a biologic license prior to being marketed (biologic license application, BLA).

Trade Split Stock Tickers. Crushing FOR KETTLES :)

What is split (splitting up) Shares

Если кто не знает что такое сплит акций, это когда компания, торгующаяся на бирже уменьшает/увеличивает стоимость своих акций, соответственно регулируя их количество. Наиболее часто встречается сплит 2:1. Например, акции стоили 100 долларов, а в день сплита уменьшаются в стоимости вдвое до 50 долларов, но зато и вдвое увеличивается количество акций на брокерском счете владельца. Эта процедура, практически, ничем не отличается от выплаты дивидендов, только намного выгоднее, так как при выплате дивидендов акция падает на 1-10%, а при сплите на 50%, но фактически это дивиденды величиной 100%, так как -50% это +100%, если смотреть снизу. Что лучше, дивиденды 1-10% или дивиденды 100%? Любой дивидендный инвестор, даже не пользуясь калькулятором, ответит что второй вариант несравнимо лучше первого.

Но некоторые дотошные и недоверчивые инвесторы наверняка зададутся вопросом — а где же сами дивиденды? Их же при сплите не выплачивают через 25 дней после сплита на брокерский счет. Да, действительно, всегда надо все подвергать сомнению. Сравним дивидендную стратегию и сплиты.

Допустим, имеем на счете 1000 акций. Акция стоит 100 долларов. Итого, баланс или капитал трейдера равен 1 000 * 100 = 100 000 долларов

  1. В случае дивидендов 5%, в день отсечки цена акций падает до 95 долларов, капитал уменьшился до 95 000, но через 25 дней на счет получим 5 000 долларов в виде дивидендов и капитал восстановится до прежних 100 000. (для простоты допустим что цена акций остается на одном уровне). На эти деньги можно докупить 52 акции по 95 долларов и еще останется 60 долларов. Итого, общий капитал будет равен (1052 акций * $95) + $60 = $100 000
  2. В случае сплита 2:1, в день сплита цена акций упадет до 50, но число акций увеличится до 2000. И капитал останется прежний 50 * 2 000 = 100 000. Теперь, по аналогии с дивидендами, продаем 1000 акций по 50 и считаем что это наши дивиденды. Выводим эти 50 000 с брокерского счета и кладем под подушку на 25 дней (по аналогии с дивидендной стратегией). После этого заводим наши, как бы, дивиденды обратно на брокерский счет и можем докупить 1000 акций по 50. Реинвестируем, так сказать, дивиденды. Итого, общий капитал станет $50 * 2 000 = $100 000. То есть точно такой же как и в дивидендной стратегии — остались при своих. Главное, в этой стратегии продержать деньги под подушкой 25 дней, а то, при невыполнении этого условия результат может стать другим.

Значит, в результате, как в дивидендной стратегии, так и в сплите получили один и тот же результат. Но в чем плюс сплита перед дивидендами? Плюс в том что во втором случае было получено намного больше дивидендов чем в первом. 100% дивиденд это круто.

Скептики, наверняка, пустят в ход свой предпоследний козырь о дивидендном гепе, который когда-нибудь закроется, вот тогда и будет получена прибыль. На это отвечу — представьте что будет когда геп от сплита закроется…. это будет нечто :)

И последний козырь скептиков — мол, говорят что перед дивидендной отсечкой цена акции растет, ответим фразой из анекдота ” и ты говори”…. перед сплитом тоже цена растет :)

В общем, подводя итог, ивестируем в сплиты и горя не знаем.

Более подробно, с разбором деталей,  будет проведен курс молодого бойца на  московской бирже “Высокоприбыльное инвестирование в сплито-тикеры”. Записывайтесь. Осталось 15 свободных стульев.

Computer-controlled hedge funds take the lead

Artificial intelligence demonstrates its power again: hedge funds, which use algorithms, become leaders in efficiency ratings, what, Nevertheless, makes mathematicians and programmers the main components of successful investment. Ranked in the top of the reputable annual ranking of the best hedge fund fund managers, compiled by LCH investments (invests in other hedge funds and is part of the Edmund de Rothschild Group), entered DE Shaw, Citadel и Two Sigma. All three companies use the so-called “systematic strategies” – a generally accepted term for decision-making strategies with minimal involvement of the human factor. Non-zero predictability of market fluctuations is quantified by statistical processing of large volumes of observations of the joint behavior of market instruments.

How stocks differ from bonds

Investing is not that hard, what most people think, however, there is a lot of specific jargon in this industry. First words, that come to mind are stocks and bonds. Let's figure it out, what are the key differences. Shares are the purchase of property, and bonds are buying debt For most of us, fulfilling our dream of retirement is associated with a good investment of money.. There are different types of investment, but stocks and bonds are two main instruments.

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