
Useful information for novice traders in the US stock market. Reviews, articles and videos about the leading American stock exchanges

Should I buy Apple shares before the release of the iPhone 8

12 September Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) will present its new products. About the long-awaited iPhone 8 only lazy didn’t write, and now, when is the presentation day known, tension among investors has grown to a maximum. A little bit more 10 years ago the debut of the iPhone took place - an event, which is considered to be a defining moment in the world of consumer electronics. It not only determined the further fate of the corporation, created by Steve Jobs, but also affected the lives of many investors in technology companies. Since the debut of the first iPhone, Apple shares have risen in price by more than 820%, in 12 more than once ahead of the index S&P 500 (INDEX: SPX). But the stock market is a cruel place, and investors are interested in the future of the company, not the past. Therefore, before the next significant moment in the history of Apple, everyone is wondering: what are her prospects? Here are five pluses for buying stock immediately and five major cons..

How to tune your brain for success with neuroscience

The secret to success boils down to, to train your brain to achieve desired goals. What brain systems are involved in achieving success Reticular activating system It is a network of neural circuits, connecting the brain stem to the cortex. RAS serves as a kind of filter for a huge amount of information, subconscious. When information flows through the RAS, it gets into the big brain and there it turns into a thought or feeling. Moreover, the filter allows only that information, what is important to us at the moment. So,, the more you think about your goals, the more the subconscious mind will work to achieve them. This is why it is so important to write down your goals., visualize the desired result and engage in self-hypnosis regularly! This will help focus your subconscious mind on, what is important to you. Ruben Gonzalez (Ruben gonzalez), author of the book "The Courage to Achieve Success"

Taxes on investments

so, consider some popular types of investments and then, what taxes are they taxed for Russian tax residents. Recall, a person is considered a tax resident of the Russian Federation, which conducts at least 183 days a year. Securities

7 questions for those, who was going to buy shares at the IPO

1. Who gets the money? The whole point of an IPO is to raise funds from investors. However, the question is, who exactly will receive the money? Ино­гда учре­ди­те­ли ком­па­нии (they usually run the business) receive part of the proceeds from the placement, or even all means. In this case, the key question – why are they selling? In the end, they are insiders, and they are the ones who best understand the real prospects of the company. And if they decide to sell her shares, what does it say about the company's prospects? Ни­че­го хо­ро­ше­го. Actually, it's not quite true. The founding shareholders, after several years of investing efforts and funds in building a business, may want to withdraw some of the funds, на­при­мер, to diversify your asset portfolio – And, воз­мож­но, buy a yacht. Од­на­ко, for the future shareholder of the company it will be much better, if the proceeds from the placement are invested in its further development and expansion of the company. Anyway, the founders must retain a significant share of the company's shares, to keep them interested in her future.

Government Regulatory Authorities in the United States

Protecting and maintaining the integrity of the market is achieved by government agencies and the joint efforts of four key groups (SEC, NASD, SIPC and FOMC), which together form then, what's in the stock market – regulating pyramid. Nobody regulates themselves so rigidly and thoroughly, like the stock market. Strict standards and requirements for professional bidders, an extensive system of regulatory services of the US authorities – all these are measures of control over the activities of participants.

mutual fund – Mutual Fund

mutual fund (Mutual Fund) Is a form of collective investment, allowing investors (to shareholders) acquire a share (share) fund, thereby gaining access to his portfolio of assets. Simplified: mutual funds are the western counterpart of Russian mutual funds (mutual funds). How a mutual fund works looks like this. Investment company, establishing a mutual fund, sells shares to investors, and invests the funds received in a portfolio of securities. The choice of assets is determined by the investment objectives of the fund. In general, mutual funds (mutual fund) open-ended funds are called (open-end funds). They have a large number of lobes, freely traded on the market. When an investor buys a share in a fund, he buys it from the fund itself, and when he sells this share, it also sells it to the foundation itself. In case of sale, the fund must pay him with money, reducing, thereby, its net assets. Sometimes a mutual fund can close itself to new investors, while existing shareholders can continue to buy new shares.

Buy back shares

Buyback or Buyback, buyback (from English. buy back - buyback) — redemption by the issuer of its own shares. In most cases, share buybacks by a company are considered to be an indicator of the company's surplus cash., however, it is often a forced measure, against the fall in the company's market value. As a result of this transaction, net earnings per share increase., which entails an increase in confidence in the company among investors and has a positive effect on exchange rates. Repurchase of shares for their subsequent cancellation avoids the dilution of the company's capital due to the issue of new securities. During periods of market decline, the number of companies increases, who announce the buyback of their shares. Share buybacks are fairly common. Nevertheless, the trading community often does not realize the value of such news and the possibility of their use in the process of investing or analyzing.

Fundamental analysis of the company

Analysis of reporting documents B 1934 year due to the incomparability of financial statements and for a number of other reasons, the US Congress created the Securities and Exchange Commission (Securities and Exchange Commission – SEC). The Commission was empowered to regulate the activities of all companies, issuing securities to the market. One of the main goals of the SEC is to ensure the accuracy of financial information in the reports published by the firm.. To achieve this goal, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles have been developed. (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles – GAAP). One of the main goals of GAAP is to provide such a financial reporting structure., which allows you to compare the documentation of different companies.

Stock indices and their structure

stock index (stock index, bond index) - index, calculated on a representative set of securities traded on the market (Shares, bonds) in order to assess the level and general direction of movement of their value. Stock index - indicator, calculated on a representative set of securities, listed on the stock exchange. A short list of the most famous US stock indices: Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) – calculated based on prices 30 companies “blue chips”. Standard Index & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) – reflects share prices 500 largest companies. NYSE Composite Index – includes all common shares, traded on the NYSE, is the main indicator, reflecting the situation on the stock exchange. It is also complemented by various indices of individual industries.. Nasdaq Composite Index – includes all companies, traded on Nasdaq. Top 100 NASDAQ Issuers, excluding financial companies, merged into the Nasdaq-100 index. Wilshire Index 5000 – American Stock Exchange AMEX index. Fortune 500 Index - Fortune magazine index. Russell Family Indexes.

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