
Useful information for novice traders in the US stock market. Reviews, articles and videos about the leading American stock exchanges

Buyback – How and why companies buy their own shares

Buyback – How companies buy back shares Buyback - the buyback of shares by the issuer from their owners. Buyback is widespread all over the world and is popular with large issuers. We find out, why companies do it and how it can help to invest correctly, saving capital from possible losses. Buyback may be of interest to a shareholder for several reasons:   Shares are usually bought back at a price, above market; Often increases financial performance in relation to share capital; Buyouts affect share prices, increasing market demand; Buyback is a consequence of the position in the industry and in the company; Share buybacks change the structure of a company's assets;

Portfolio strategies. Managed by an individual broker

We analyze two approaches to investments - optimization and timing models.Individual brokers help to understand, how to form a long portfolio and not be distracted by news noise. Now let's talk about portfolio strategies.

How a businessman can insure himself against currency surges

Let's talk about that, how business can introduce exchange instruments into practice. Hedging is especially a hot topic for those, who works in the field of foreign economic activity: business owners, Managers, department managers and chief accountants.

Currency exchange by a legal entity: how to lower the conversion fee?

When to take a dollar? IN 2021 G. from April to June, the value of the American currency against the ruble fell by eight percent (with 77,9 – 4 April to 71,7 – 10 June). However, from June to July it increased by five percent (with 71,7 – 10 June until 75,33 – 8 July). For a strong epidemic course 2 times approached the mark 80 RUB/USD. (19.03.20 And 02.11.

Buying Square Stock: company potential assessment

? Square's new direction of development (SQ), The Cash app counts on the role of the world's leading provider of cash services for customers. Cash App – it is a mobile payment service, which was developed by Square, Inc., which allows users to transfer funds to each other using a cell phone app.

What shares to buy to win Joe Biden in the vote

?? It's time for the election race, and in two weeks the Americans will head to local voting booths or send ballots by mail, to find, who will rule the United States in the next 4 of the year.

Inflation or deflation: creative suggestions by Ben Bernanke

The abstracts of Beni the helicopter pilot in the Land of the Rising Sun 31 May 2003 G. Inflation or deflation: creative suggestions by Ben Bernanke 1. The state of affairs in the economy here (in the Land of the Rising Sun) really very difficult.

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