Apex launched a service to raise capital

Company Apex Fund Services celebrated its tenth anniversary by launching Capital Introduction Services (Apex CIS).

Apex CIS designed to help managers with attraction of new capital: Managing Director of the service Lee Cox has extensive experience in this area and personal connections with a huge number of investors. Coke 15 worked on the development of financial services for years and collaborated with Bear Stearns AndDeutsche Bank.

This is the first time, when an independent administrator provides a fundraising service.

Apex CIS will prepare clients Apex to raise capital in all types of funds (hedge funds, private equity funds, real estate funds, long-only, etc.), and advise them in the process. IN Apex 33 branches around the world, that's why Apex CIS will be able to assist managers when working in any jurisdiction.

According to Peter Hughes, group managing director, goal Apex - develop new services, which will allow our clients to develop their structures in difficult market conditions, and I'm happy to celebrate a decade Apexlaunch Apex CIS. Raising capital is a serious challenge for many managers, and I am very glad, what Apex will play a key role in overcoming this obstacle.”.

According to Cox, Apex – ideal service provider for both beginners, and for managers who have already made a name for themselves. Clients Apex get access to a wide range of services, including free office equipment, portfolio and order management, "cloud" technologies, fund administration and, now, capital raising. Apexcan provide the necessary support as when starting a fund, and directly in the process of investment activity.

“Inclusion of capital raising services in the list of our services will give managers the opportunity to go directly to the right investors at the right time, And, respectively, increase their chances of getting the necessary investments.”.

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A source: Apex launches capital introduction service

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