Аналитика фьючерсов.

Is it by chance that the last few days have been growing at a frantic pace in the price of OVES and COFFEE at the same time??

After analyzing the situation, I came to some reason that they grow for some reason, but these reasons are not the main thing, and most importantly, why do they rise in price simultaneously. Suppose, that the leading in this pair is COFFEE and supposedly, increased interest in this drink is expected. And the most interesting thing, that OVSA is used to make a coffee surrogate, hence, these two simultaneously rapidly growing instruments betray the impending scam of the century — bulk mixing of ground coffee with oats — and this mixture will be passed off as natural 100% coffee. That is, the future scam betrayed itself with giblets on the charts of futures instruments — COFFEE and OATS. So be careful when buying ground coffee. — there may be surprises in the form of ground oats.

  Celebration coming soon for Japanese shareholders.
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